Noticed a few people moaning about having a lazy piston, so I've made this guide to sorting it out. Mind the crappy photgraphy. I was rushing.. Lazy Piston: When one pad wont come as far back as the other, and usually rubs on the rim. Right then... YOU WILL NEED: A track pump - Link to picture 5mm allen key 3mm allen key 8mm Spanner 5mm/4mm allen key - Depending on mount bolts Bleed kit - especially the hosing and hose connector! Oil Mole grips/pliers. WD40/GT85 ______________________________________________ Right then... 1. Take the Magura off the bike. - I'm sure you know how, take off bar-end, grip, slide off lever. Undo mounts, and cut off any cable ties or anything holding the hosing on your frame. 2. Take it apart. Please note: Be sure you're confident with bleeding it once you're done! Undo the bleed bolts, and then the hosing. Make sure you don't make a mess with all the oil/water going everywhere! 3. Now all that's off, you'll have the two pistons/slave cylinders on their own. 4. Take on, and attach the bleed kit hose to it. And the other end of that hose, you attach to your pump. - As you would a shraeder(car type) valve. And pump the pump. This should blast out any crap in the piston. It's handy to get the mole grips and clamp the nipple, then turn it so it's against the 'sticky out' bits of the slave cylinder. - This will pull the piston out a bit. Also spray some WD40 all over it, in the hose holes, and on the piston. Even fill up the clear bleed kit hose with WD40, and pump it through. Do this like a mad man untill you're happy with it. Then do the same to the other one. 5. Now that's the slave cylinders sorted. Might aswell clean out the lever. Take it all apart. - Undo the lever bolt, and out it all comes. You can kinda see it, but there is a lot of oil and general crap around the bolt hole. Just ridse it with water, and scrub it all off. 6. Don't be thinking that's it with the lever! Remember what you just did to the slave cylinders? Do the same to this. Fill it up with oil through the bleed bolt hole, and pump it a bit. - This will lube it all up. Then attach the hose+pump to it, and pump away! Once you're happy with that, put it back together. 7. Now you've got all that clean, you need to bleed it. I tried the ol' "assemble it in the bath technique, but that didn't work. You can try it, if it works.. I hate you, but well done. Ignore the rest. Like me, if it didn't work, try this way: With the whole of the brake apart, run a bath. Get it pretty deep, and chuck all of the brake in. Make sure you ask before doing this, I didn't, and got moaned at. (It'll leave a dirty ring around the top of the water) Knock it all about abit, and watch all the bubbles come out. Start putting it all together, except for the two bleed bolts. Once you've done that, fill up your syringe *(if you don't have one, scroll down a bit) Attach the bleed kid hose to it, and attach that to the bleed hole in the slave cylinder. Slowly pump that, untill no more bubbles come out. Then put in the lever bleed bolt, and do it up. Take out the syringe, and put in the bleed bolt. Now pump it, if the pistons come out at the same time, you're sorted. Now go put it all back on, and it should work perfectly. *No syringe? What I did, is attached the bleed kit hose to the lever, and then kept the slave cylinder underwater. Watching the clear hose carefully, start sucking. Once you see the water coming through the clear hose, suck very slowly, or hold it, and put the bleed bolt in the slave. This will hold all the water in, so you can undo the bleed kit hose. - Safer to do this underwater, to make sure no air gets in at all. And do up the bleed bolt. Lovely. Sorted. If you're having trouble, or didn't understand any of that - Either talk to me on MSN (Address in profile) or post.