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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I was about to post that. Google Image ***. Available at Amazon - LINK. There's always something like this: Maybe this would give similar power to both brakes, as a single cable would to one brake? Obviously there would be slightly less power, as calipers of the brake will be working from one hand..
  2. Bit addicted to Taking Back Sunday at the moment... TBS - Liar TBS - Twenty Twenty Surgery TBS - Miami. S'all good really. And Muse - Knights of Cydonia
  3. What about front and rear V's? or a front BB7? Surely it'd be easier to set those up to pull at the same time? Find someone that could bodge a leve together to run two cables, or try a gyro sorta design for both brakes? At a guess, it'd be a lot less hassle than making a new Magura lever etc. Like so: [attachmentid=8724] The red line will be for the front brake, as you'd want more leverage for the rear - more power. So the black is for the rear. Could work?
  4. I hated my front HS33, just didn't lock, no matter what pads. Front BB7 now. Rear HS33 is alright, has it's annoying occasions, where one pad wont move back, bleeding it, setting it up perfectly. But now i've sorted it out properly, it's mint again - Click the link in my signature. So i'll admit that V's are better in that way, but I reckon they feel the same. - Obviously depending on the V's set-up.
  5. Dan6061

    Pad Reviews

    Pads: Koxx Blox Blues. Rim: Kris Holm. Grind: Yes, worn. Tad or tar. Brake: Rear HS33, standard hosing, Echo Team Booster, '04 Lever. Time Used: 2Months? Best pads used so far: Plaz CRMS. Opinion of a perfect brake: Loud enough squeak. - I like hearing my brake, if not I get worried. Lock, and modulation. - Modulation for manuels, lock for everything else. Review: At first I had a very worn grind, and my mate had my grinder, so I couldn't grind it. I wasn't too pleased at first, but to be fair, they hadn't worn in. They had more modulation than lock. Once I got a nice grind they were mint! Locked nicely, still had the modulation I wanted. I swear they've gotten better over time, as the grind worn out. No sign of mass wearing outas of yet. Now my grinds worn out, I've used a small amount of tar on the rim, and they have the same lock as before, just seem a lot noisyer. So yeah, Koxx blues are the shiz. Seem to work a lot like my CRMs did.
  6. I have some soft v-neck jumper thing. Not exactly thick, but keeps me well warm. At the moment I just wear jeans, t-shirt (or two) and that v-neck.
  7. I swear they're the exact same clips as before, in a different order? Riding was good though. Shame about the music.
  8. Not the one that was at the Exeter comp'?
  9. Wear gloves! That stuff starts to sting and itch if you get it on your skin. When I was stripping my frame, getting ready to spray it, I got a bit flicked in my eye. I washed it out with water, and it's fine. If you get any on your skin, just wash it off with water.
  10. Some rather weird stuf going on at the beginning.. Really good riding. I spotted me with my camera when Will was doing the tyre section.
  11. My one's shit compared to that lot. Voted for Punkrider too.
  12. I'm sure the MBK Mod has dual disk? The stock one does, so...?
  13. for PC. Open up My Computer - Hard Drive (Local Disk?) the WINDOWS - Might moan about them being hidden, just view them - Look for the 'Fonts' folder - drag and drop the download in there.
  14. It sorta did, look at how wobbly he gets...
  15. At first, I thought it was some very bored British person, having a laugh. - I laughed. Then I realised it was a Russian person using an online translator, that makes no sense. - I laughed.
  16. Liked that a lot. Silly twat that beeped at the end though..
  17. No. I'm surprised the grips aren't green.
  18. Replace the parts when you brake them.
  19. Complete with old speakers I borrowed off my dad, Sticker covered monitor, lamp, and Zen micro. Keyboard and mouse as standard.
  20. It's been done to death. I think they look soo nice, with all black parts, and something like green Magura mounts.
  21. [attachmentid=8670] Flowers dieing, yada yada... - Winter? [attachmentid=8671] Summer.
  22. Try mullering it with a heft screwdriver, and mallet. Did this at work once, just completely mangled it, and it fell out.
  23. My bike, because it's built to how I like it.
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