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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. My FSA Pig has done the job really.. Top bearing casing exploded once..but with a lot of grease, and all the loose bearings, it's been fine.
  2. Wheyy.. Merry Christmas all. Don't get too drunk.
  3. I reckon a lighter red on that would look niceĀ®.
  4. Looks nice mate. What was wrong with the Toxsin though?
  5. Every frame will do this. It's so you can use Snail cam tensioners inside the frame, and so it's easier to put the wheel in. Just do up the nuts/bolts at the same time, untill the frame has 'clamped' the hub bolts etc..then align it, and do it up tight.
  6. Hope Gothic. Don't make them anymore. Unless you ask Hope nicely..
  7. '04. Just because that's what i've always had, so i'm used to it. The '05's lever blade comes too close to me..But I have big hands, so the reach of the '04 suits me best.
  8. That's because it's a stock booster. Even says so on Tartybikes. Get the Team booster. Only 2 bolt, but will deffo fit.
  9. Like the way you land on the rail, tuck, look at the wall, then tuck again.
  10. "Post a pic of your ___ tiles" anywhere?
  11. Always best to get new spokes when you get a new rim. Because of the different shapes of the rim, some have curves, some are flat etc, they'll take different length spokes. This counts for hubs too, different flange sizes etc. Give Tarty' a ring, and ask them what spoke length you'd need for the Echo rim, and whatever (T-Pro?) hub. Just don't bodge it by cutting the spokes down, as it'd be a bitch to tru in the future.
  12. Dan6061

    New Bike

    Prefered the look of the MBK to be honest.. Echo does look nice though..
  13. Taking Back Sunday - I'll Let You Live.
  14. Manuels, like.. all the time. haha. Just can't do them.
  15. We have a fake one. Having 4 cats, and a dog around the house, with a real tree gets messy. I remember one year, I found one cat asleep in the tree. Pine needles everywhere...
  16. Well you could, it it'd lack power. The bigger the wheel is, the bigger rotor you'd want for power. On my mod, I have a 165mm rotor, and it's perfect, because of the small wheels. 180mm on a stock would be fine, but if you're gunna go big, go 203mm.
  17. Avid BB7. If stock - 203mm rotor, or 185mm If mod, 160mm will do.
  18. It's got an internal headset. So something like this will be fine.
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