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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Fuji S5500 Opteka 'Super Wide' Fisheye lens 0.22X Opteka Wide angle lens Opteka Telephoto Lens Some random camera bag Hama Star 62 Tripod 'Gorrilapod slr' tripod...thing?
  2. Got into Nickelback recently.. they're good if you ignore 'How you remind me'
  3. Don't rely on the police to contact you.. Ring them every half hour or so, annoy the f**k out of them. They will soon understand how much getting your bike back means to you. I'm saying this out of my own experiance, some theiving scum took mine out the boot of a coach, shortly after I put it in, and got on the coach. Keep a sharp eye out on eBay, After I reported it to the police, about an hour or so later, I spot my bike on there! Contacted the seller, arranging to meet up so I could look at it. - Which got me name, address, contact number. And then, week later (I think?) Went along with la police and got it back. The guy that had it, bought it in Cashconverters (he worked there) so keep an eye out in any places like that too. Best of luck getting it back.
  4. Get hold of some 4 bolt mounts, take off those V'daptors. Will make setting those Maguras up loads easier. But yeah, very nice. Go get it scratched.
  5. Koxx Blues, on a [shit] worn out grind, with a touch of tar for more sound. Works reaallly well.
  6. Dan6061


    My Profiles never skipped. Well, not badly anyway. It's slipped before, only when I ride away... I bought it 2nd hand (of Siders) and he says he never serviced it, or anything.. And has been fine. Just to let you know...
  7. 16, 6ft, Zona Zip Mod. - 1040mm wheelbase.
  8. Seriously good riding..but get a helmet.
  9. Hope - British. What more could you ask for?
  10. Dan6061


    Just tell them you think it's shiz, and wont come back to their store if it's not returned.
  11. Please can we have the little 'Top' etc buttons bottom left of each page? I know there's the buttons at every post..but i've gotten so used to that link being there...
  12. I just had a quick look at the description... But yeah, guess they just copied and pasted.. My bad... :$
  13. That's not the trials one though...?
  14. Watching really inspiring videos. Thinking of a line, or a move I want to do, but have never done it, or that i've tried before, and failed. Then I really get in the mood, and know I can nail it. Also having a fully working bike, with no problems at all helps keep the mood bright.
  15. The red and blue ones got left over when we got given some at work... Area manager ***.
  16. What was going on just now? - Forum was down.. Guessing some updates/changes? Not noticed anything though...
  17. I have no idea how this could happen really.. Unless you're attempting left hand drive?
  18. I have a front 04 white lever, with black hosing, and silver cylinders. Yours for £25? They've stopped making the '04s in white too, I know they make the 05's in them though, I saw Stan Shaw with some in Exeter...
  19. It's an 05/06 lever.. What do you expect?
  20. No Green! on a Zoo! I like.
  21. As Ali C said.. You can only fit internal headsets in T-Pro's. As Kings, Hopes, Echo, Zoo etc.. are external ('normal')...They won't fit.
  22. What's the main advantage of using RAW instead of JPG? Just found out I can do it on my Fuji...
  23. Fair enough you've made a website for something you love doing, but seriously..don't never use piczo. 'Point and click' websites. - Meaning you don't actually 'design' it, in a sense of coding it yourself etc. Try getting Macromedia Dreamweaver, a try-out version will do, and then learn how to use that, then upload the codes onto a hosting website. I actually use freewebs for this, just choose the advanced option or whatever, so you put your own codes in, and then you get an advert-free website, but with 'Freewebs' in the address. Nice attempt though, some of the pictures are good.
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