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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I see what you mean.. But that's like saying: ...They're all the same, but different colours.
  2. No he hasn't? He's just copied Magura..and added his own coloured shiz to it. Looks alright though..
  3. Dan6061


    Looks like a 700c Hybrid/Trials..thing.
  4. Haha..I clicked on the first image, and right below it, it had 'FREE DATING' Nice pics.
  5. Just noticed, some of the smilies need changing, so they go with the new background... EDIT: Oh, they work now? In NMC, one had a white background?
  6. I tried doing that to our one.. but it couldn't connect it? Said it couldn't renew the IP address..?
  7. Dan6061


    Since when have you had a Team? Both nice.
  8. Pour some water on them, ride around with the brake rubbing untill you see it steaming, then pour more water on.
  9. I saw the last 10 or so minutes. You watch that 'Teenage Kicks' programme after?
  10. Dan6061


    He's been quiet for 5mins now.
  11. My T-Pro was lovely to ride, but it cracked. Then I got a Zona, and it's even nicer. Much longer than the T-Pro, but is still really flicky like the T-Pro was.
  12. Just get blue hose? Or stop being a tart...
  13. Depends on the actual parts you're after.
  14. I find San Andreas better. -Bigger map, more vehicles, and crazy cheats. Can't beat the 'recreational' games.
  15. Whens all the other new shiz coming?
  16. The average is 3mins. Which is usually how long a song is. I only like 8min videos if they've been made well. - Good editing, and inspiring riding.
  17. Sure your rotor's not contaminated? (if you have one), Put it in the dishwasher overnight. I had one of those roundagon rotors, and changed to a Hope Gothic - As it looks better. Brake was soo much better.
  18. Heatsink make them - http://www.heatsinkbikes.com/?p=veeadapters
  19. He does do it his right way? Personal preferance. I sidehop to the left, and i'm left footed.
  20. When will you people learn... Avid BB7. Easiest brakes to set-up. No bleeding needed at all, cables are strong enough, spares are availible in any bike shop (Cables, Levers, maybe even pads..) Feels just as nice/nicer than any hydro', and equally as powerful. Cheaper too.
  21. If you have to drill it, get a drill bit small enough to not drill through the threads, and it will (hopefully) just crumble inside...
  22. ...and the tacky gold bars, hub, rim, and booster. Each to their own and all that...
  23. Picking 'good' people will be better in the long run, than kicking out 'bad' people. It'll save arguements - people being angry, swearing, making the forum look bad etc.. Getting validated is easy enough to do, I don't understand why so many have been stuck in NMC for like..2 years? Just post properly! - Capital letters in the rught placem full stops, commas, and paragraphs!
  24. I'm guessing there's a spring or something in that 'block' at the top, and as you pill the lever, some magic shiz happens inside, which pushes the arms? Any way of taking it apart?
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