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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I had a dream where a guy I work with gave me his afro... ...he doesn't even have an afro.
  2. Yeah, or ring first to see if it's ok... Amateurs.
  3. They seem pretty stupid, if you're going to break into a house, you don't chip away at a door with a screwdriver! But seriously, Call the police, tell them who you think it was, and try and lock up and entrances to that back door...
  4. Too much. Bike's worth around £1000 at the moment. Started off as a £170 '03 T-Bird.
  5. Sounds like you've got a 73mm BB, in a 68mm shell. Just file down the up a bit, or just leave it. Should be alright? If not, sell the BB you're using now, and buy a 68X127.5mm. £13.99 from here. I had this in my T-Pro, and it was fine. I'm guessing you're running a Sq Tapered BB anyway...
  6. Main ones are Tartybikes, and Chainreaction. Just 'cause they have everything I need, and they're super speedy.
  7. Dan6061

    My Finger

    You mean at the bottom of your fingers? Not a lot you can do really, it sucks. Soon they'll harden up, and look horrible. Then it wont hurt.
  8. I didn't read the whole thread...
  9. Isn't that you can't dream about dying, because you've never experianced it? Or have no idea what it'll actually be like?
  10. I miss Bangor. Awesome riding Will, I didn't even see those lines when I was there..
  11. Heard some crazy animal rights protesters in Oxford, with police everywhere... All I can think of at the moment. Oh, and all the crazy/drunk people in Aylesbury...
  12. Dan6061


    I grew up learning with the rear brake on the left. Also, I don't think it matters what hand you use, for writing etc, because it's your fingers doing the work.
  13. Well someone was gunna do it..
  14. ahh wow. I had no idea there was another one on the way. Nice on Steve! Now get those pads made.
  15. Halfords can order them in. Depending on iff the staff know what they're on about...
  16. I'd find it too weird, and too much effort. I'm known as 'Dan6061' all over the 'net, so I'd have to change all my usernames.. I like my name anyway...
  17. Zona Zenith? Everyone seems to be bumming them at the moment...
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