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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Dan6061


    You haven't got it set to 'Auto-hid the taskbar' have you?
  2. You probably have a lock on the door..where's your sense of adventure? aaanyway...
  3. Too right. Your only option is Supercycles. I got my frame from them, took them just over a week to send it, but was worth it.
  4. Only ever seen them crack around the brake mount welding. Even saw one that he'd snapped the brake mounts off. Can't find the topic though...
  5. Wouldn't that be mental noisy with a kmc kool chain? - by the looks of it, it's just a plastic sheet..thing, being pressed onto the chain? Unless it's just the angle, and there's a roller in there?
  6. Yeah...But it has like..'Lock computer' etc too.. I just found it on the 'net, and downloaded it...
  7. Snake tank.woo... Check out the handy 'Shutdown' button though.
  8. Is that becuase that's probably just from this week?
  9. I haven't popped mine either. Been using the same hosing for 3yrs too.
  10. Different rims, tyres, and brakes.
  11. Dan6061


    Sell some crap on eBay?
  12. Get it helicoiled. Either get yourself a kit (eBay, around £20) Or ask some local engineers.
  13. You guy's keep forgetting, it's only steve running the company. He's just moved house, has a new born, and a load of orders to sort out. Give the man some time. He is a human aswell...
  14. Great way to try and get sponsored...
  15. If you can get the axle threaded, then yes. Or you could get an Onza axle, they're threaded, and the same size...I think.. Ring Tartybikes about that..
  16. That's the seperate engagements. It's fine.
  17. Bloody hell.. Glad you're alright and everything, and hope your friends ok too. It's sick thinking that people would do such things..
  18. Dave you slag. Looks wellllll nice. Too short though...
  19. Alkaline Trio have a fancy, flash website...
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