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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. If it's the complete build, just leave it? At least until you start braking parts...
  2. Probably. As long as it's in a re-sellable condition - no scratches etc, then I don't see why not. Read their terms and conditions on returns. Click me.
  3. Type properly, like you're doing a GCSE English writing piece, and really want to do well. - I mean like, spelling, punctuation etc. Don't essay all your posts. And yeah, there was some Gabbly malarky, but I can't remember the address though. I think it was just a phase.
  4. Nice video Bennnnn. Wish my bike worked, and I didn't work Saturdays... How did Beau do that gap, and smoothly?
  5. ..because an angle grinder will give you a long lasting, deep, rough surface for the brake. As long as you're not cack-handed, then you'll be fine using a grinder.
  6. Dan6061


    It's all gone here. 1 day wonder.
  7. All the prices went up by £50 a while ago...due to material costs going up etc. I guess Tartybikes just ignored it.
  8. Headset press tools fit headsets. Nice method, and really healpful topic. -Usually what I do. If you want to do it properly, and not risk flaring the headtube by having the cups come out at dodgy angles, then buy one of these: Basically, you insert that into the headset so it expands out inside the headtube, then bash the top with a mallet. Saves having to bash, move screwdriver/whatever round, bash, move..etc.
  9. Is it just me that expects every new member to be 13? I'm 16.
  10. My Profile's never badly skipped. - Has slipped inbetween engagements..but no mental 'throw you over the bars and kill you' sorta skip... I crushed all the bearings though, and it still didn't skip! Just sounded weird...haha.
  11. Yeah, atleast they actually go inside though, instead of the usual, - hanging around the bins. (it's a joke...)
  12. I say we have a seperate topic for them. Strictly videos only kinda thing..
  13. I saw some on eBay ages ago...selling pairs for cheap..have a look on there?
  14. Sure you've laced it properly?, and not muddled the (if there is) 2 different spoke lengths up? I did that when I built my wheel...and had spokes sticking out everywhere... De-lace it, and try again.
  15. I run the older Zoo bars, with an Echo Team stem - Minntt. Also have Echo Lite forks..which change the height etc a bit too. As PartZ said, these frames are mint. Yes they're heavy, but you really don't notice it when you ride it. They just do everything nicely. - Sidehops, gaps, staying on backwheel..etc. Get one. Bitch.
  16. was a bit too 'Tap, Gap, sidehoppy' for me.. And that song has now been in 9373493 videos. Mint riding and editing though.
  17. Why not? I thought they had a hollow axle?
  18. I wouldn't advise using a Dicta freewheel on the front, as it would come loose all the time, and they're just not good. Get a Tensile freewheel, enough engagments, around £30 aswell I think. Then have a look about for some 2nd hand front-freewheel cranks. Or get some new, Echo 6061 crankls for £52... Then you'd need a 12t fixed cog on the back, they're about £10. With all that, it'd be £92 at the most. If you can get some 2nd hand stuff, I guess it'd be around £50 maximum.
  19. I have Globe Focus'. Damn comfy, grippy, and have lasted me ages! Nice and wide too..I have my shoes quite loose...
  20. Got a better, neater looking bodge. Cut that bolt down so it's shorter. Cut a slot in the head of it, wide enough for the 'plate' to fit in it. Take out the 'fork' sorta bit that has the thread on it, and put the bolt in it's place. Just screw the bolt's thread into the gold, square...thing, and then you can put the red star back on. Here's some artwork that could help... Left= bolt. Right = lever. Red = bolt, blue = gold, thread..thing, green = red tpa star.
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