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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Nice one Alex. You seem to have improved loads since I rode with you in Bangor. Nice one.
  2. Awesome video. Mental video, the riding and editing. As Rowan said, the changing of camera quality was irritating, but was still worth watching.
  3. Myyyy god that's nice.
  4. BB7 - £53.99 XTR Lever - £29.99 Odyssey Linear Slic Cable - £6.00 Total: £89.98 Mint brake.
  5. Maybe so, but they could be right in thinking that if all the hubs were made the exact same way, what's to say that the other [however many] wont do the same? They're the hub people, they know they're shit. We can only guess what needs sorting on them...
  6. Do you want riser's, or flats? Or do you have no idea? I have the older Zoo bars on my mod, and I love them. They're more flat on top than 'flat' bars, and feel really nice. Apparently they've changed the shape of the new ones, and they don't feel as nice? Another option for risers are Monty ones. Loads of people swear by these, and not at them.. They have a really nice shape to them, and more rise than the Zoo's.
  7. Chainstay protector? - http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2020
  8. Sequence: 1. Get close to the edge. 2. Drop the front, and start to crouch down/back. 3. Preload - Start to kick the pedals, and move your weight forwards. 4. Mid air - Tuck, and try and keep the bike up with you. 5. Landing - Get the backwheel on the edge, and start to tuck down. 6. Landed - Tuck down to absorb impact.
  9. Pete, calm down. I think he means the point you made (pwninggg) of..whoever it is, was brilliant.
  10. Look, we're only try to help. Some in better ways than others, but still... All you had to do, was look at the Tartybikes page, and find the pads. I'm sure you've heard of Tartybikes by now. Not every new member gets looked down on, it's mainly the ones that choose not to spell properly at all, don't paragraph, use full stops, the list is endless. Oh, and it's the Green Rock Pads that are for smooth rims.
  11. Ahahaha...starting a fight on the internet. Cool. If you're joking, make it clearer that you are.
  12. Yes it's annoying, but you're forgetting that the police have to stop every crime they see, wether it's big or small. Someone could be robbing a house, and as they're getting arrested say "Yeah, but that guy shot someone, go get him instead!?"
  13. Aha...You ask a question, we answer it, you call us wankers. Yeah, cheers?
  14. Read what it says about the reds:
  15. I'm 11st, and have 10psi in each on my mod.
  16. I will be doing this. Have a mint song for it. Just gotta wait for new headset, and order my Profile bearings...
  17. Nah, you're alright. Biff's sound. - I sold him an ACS ages ago, all went well etc, and he was gunna buy some Magura mounts off me, but forgot or something...
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