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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Semi-transparent, translucant... Apparently they're like Zoo pads? Zoo pads are coming back.
  2. Leave us alone...it's about the only thing we are good at. You sidehopped on a bmx.
  3. Dan6061


    6" tomorrow...apparently.
  4. Dan6061

    Your Life!

    Just finished watching Click. Really liked it. Was disappointed with the 'it was all a dream' thing, but then when it actually gets to the ending, I liked it again. Don't want to explain it in great detail, as it'd spoil it for the people that haven't seen it, but i'm sure the people that have seen it know what I mean.
  5. Whaaaaaaaaaat? That was sick! You sidehopped higher on a bmx...than i can on anything.
  6. Surprisingly enough mine hasn't. Bled with water too. My front one did last year (when I had a front Magura)...threw me over the bars.
  7. What happens if you twat the dropout on a rock/wall? Hanger's non-replacebale.. Looks alright though..is it 24"?
  8. Ohhh... Still looks good though, and the 'repair screws' are a good idea... But adjustable pads would be the shiz.
  9. You knever know though... Maybe he got given it by a relative? and decided he didn't want it? Ahh well..it's been sold on...still a chance of getting it back if it was stolen. - Thinking about how my incident turned out.. Actually..now i'm thinking he could've got it from CashConvertors or somewhere, and unfortunatley the real owner didn't see it on there.. I just don't know.
  10. This is true. But mine sort of move at the same time, one's slightly before the other, but yeah, much better than it was before.. Follow the guide I made, it'll make your brake feel a lot nicer afterwards, especially if you get a lot of black, smelly, crap coming out of the brake when you clean it all.
  11. Ok. Built it up properly, it did the same as before. I took it apart, and rebuilt it (exactly the same as before) And now it works fine. Note to self: Don't loose bits. Cheers to everyone that's helped. Guess it can be closed now.
  12. Arghhhh.... Got the spacer for the driver this morning. Put that in, all fine. Got everything in the right places, it's exactly how Tarty Adam told me... Yet it's still locking up when I tighten the hub bolts?
  13. Ohhh right.. So is the 'spacer' the one in the picture I posted above? ...or is it completely different? Can you get hold of them? - or shall I ring Profile? EDIT: Nevermind! Rang Profile, and he's sending me the spacer.
  14. Tap it in with the bolt, then to get it sitting straight in the steerur tube, get a socket that fits (near enough) perfectly in the steerur, and put that over the star nut, and tap that down.
  15. Dan6061

    Joe Elding

    I think Mr. Elding was telling porkies with those pics... Awesome video Joe..we'll have to ride oxford or somewhere when my bike decides to work again.
  16. b*****d. The Happy and Angry threads was another reason to get validated.
  17. Right okay.. Problem is, I can't simply turn the end cap around, as it has an end to it, to stop me boshing it onto the axle too far... What the hell is up with it?
  18. Do you not actually sit with the bike on the trains then? I do whenever travelled by train...although that's from Bicester to Oxford, so thery're unlike the other 'main' ones at a guess..?
  19. Cheaper to file it though.. Only problem with filing it, is chain tension...
  20. Can you not get 'female' axels on the Proper hubs? - Like on Profiles? Basically, it's a hollow, threaded axle, which is still 14mm thick, but with a M10 thread, for 10mm bolts. If you can fine one of them, i'd advise you get that, and simply convert the axle, instead of having to grind away at anything.
  21. His reply to my question: Seriously...what does it say? haha
  22. Oh right, nice one Mark. You mean the silver end cap yeah? Right... It had a little bit that stuck out, but I thought that might be what's causing the problem, so I sanded it off. But it's still doing the exact same thing as before, when it had the 'shelf' bit.. I can go to the industrial estate during school, and ask around if they can machine it back to normal if it's needed... I have a washer that I can out there, if it did need to stick out a little bit...but still, tried that, doing the same..stiffening up the driver.
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