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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Evening all. Riding MK tomorrow with a bmx mate, figured it'd be better with another trials rider (or 2) Be at the Train Station around 11:30ish.
  2. "What the f**k are they doing? ...a caption comp... idiots."
  3. Dan6061


    Yeah.. But the PUK is blocked.. Not the PIN. It's giving me no option to enter any codes.. just says 'PUK Blocked' and that's it... Oh, and I get this even when I do try:
  4. Dan6061


    Hope so.. Thing is, I really need it like, now. And tomorrow...
  5. Dan6061


    Was fiddling with my phone's settings earlier... Forgot my pin, so I guessed it, asked for PUK code. Entered that in wrong, and now it's saying PUK Blocked. According to some people, I need a new sim card. I have about 10 of those free ones, but I really need my phone tonight... And I have all my contacts, and credit saved on my old sim. Is there any way I can unblock it tonight? I might have to ring customer services, but they're open from 8am - 8pm. Orrr...is there a way I can transfer my number etc over to this new SIM?
  6. That video's all over the net. He's famous y'know..
  7. That's relevant..how? Never met a guy called Larry.
  8. Cheers. MK fosho. Can you get there this Saturday by any chance?
  9. I don't think they're sold seperatley. Buy some hosing, and then cut off the amount you need. Then fit the fittings, and keep the rest for spare.
  10. Just finished editing la video. Only local stuff really, just filmed and edited for the hell of it. OMRVNDeBAIc Sorry it's on Youtube.. Can upload to tv.isg.si if you really want...
  11. 3. Homemade. Then went riding...
  12. Front hub? Rear hub? Headset? I have a Chris King headset - But only becuase it was £35..
  13. Brakes were on the wrong way round for us British people... ...Still nice though.
  14. Coming from you? I don't like football. At all. I'd rather sit and watch the rain than watch 22 blokes kicking a ball about, and crying when they trip over.
  15. Just delete it? Can't say i've ever had one of those, but if you have nothing to do with them, then they'd have nothing to do with you.
  16. Dan6061


    Make a new video with those on Ash.
  17. tv.isg.si? Youtube might take it, could even try compressing it etc, so it's YouTube-able.
  18. I use Adobe Premier Pro 2 now. Is nice.
  19. Definatley. But yeah, had mine way over a year, and no problems really...
  20. Joe you look well different since I saw you at the DJ ride, and Oxford...
  21. Dammit. I like sessioning that earlier.
  22. Bump... Are we aloud to ride on banks for this comp'? There's like, a slope at the garages at the bottom of my road...
  23. A rounded crank arm wont affect the freewheel at all. If it's square taper, if it's rounded it'll be, well...round? If it's ISIS, then you've done a good job rounding it. Did you clean the threads before you fitted the freewheel?
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