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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Dan6061

    Zona Zip?

    Not if you buy the frame alone. Come with BB and headset and bash if you get the frameset. (I think?)
  2. Some guy on here had the same problem, he just got the right measurements, and made his own. Turned out to be a lot cheaper than buying some from Monty.
  3. These the forged ones? I did that to my ones, and the thread for crank extractors. I just went ISIS, and got Zoo cranks, been fine.
  4. Mine started doing this, and yeah, click the link in the 2nd post, or in my signature. Started doing it again last night, so I wound the TPA out, then back in, and it's fine. Both pads exactly the sane distance apart from the rim..
  5. There's probably loads on iTunes...? Or those naughty torrent things all the bad people use...
  6. At a guess, yes. Onza forks are steel, heavy, and horrid.
  7. Deng-a-hubs, gotta break 'em all... (Pokémon...)
  8. It's an XC bike. Will be useless for trials, i've had a mess about on one at work, and it was just horrid to ride, and I was only trying to pedal hop it. Great bike for the money, just not for trials...
  9. The pads and rotor might've gotten dirty too. I read somewhere that putting the rotor in the dishwasher works well, and yeah, pads in the pan idea too. Might aswell re-bleed it too...
  10. You'll need a heli-coil kit. I got some engineer to do mine, as I didn't trust myself. You need to drill the holes slightly bigger, then insert the thread with the heli-coil tool, like, one full turn, the half back, then full turn, half back...etc. And yeah, then just bosh out the bottom of the heli-coil, and you're sorted. Just make sure it's drilled, and fitted perfexctly straight.
  11. If you strip the threads in say, your Magura mount. You can insert a heli-coil, which is a steel thread that cuts itself into the old, stripped hole. Basically a much stronger thread, that is really hard to strip.
  12. No doubt that the seat would rub on the tyre...
  13. Get the front wheel really close to the corner, if you're going straight up, and just push up/forward more.. and tuck. I'm pretty sure there's a certain limit, before you need to tap...
  14. Had a Cane Creek ZS-2 in mine..was alright.. Bearings were a bit shit. Broke on set, bought another for spare, and they weren't too good either... Apparently it's the same for most Internals? Meh...
  15. That soooo nice. Gothic rotor too. I'm not alone..
  16. It was just a building with a load of people with downs' in it. Not that interesting really.
  17. They tighten up as you ride. - The more/harder you ride, the tighter it gets. Cassette hubs ***?
  18. I don't suffer from that.. ...But I have found that Trials is more tiring than say, BMXing. - As you're using your body a lot more, in syncronisation too.. Dunno if anyone else has found this, or whether i'm just lazy, But I can ride my mates BMX around for like 5mins non-stop at the skatepark, and after a line on my Zona, I'm nearly out-of-breath.
  19. Pete Wright is widely known across the world of Trials-Forum for bullshitting. He has said many things, been found out, yest denies it. Such as posting pictures that are apparently his own, that are actually from some weird Chinese sight. - Didn't even think about re-uploading them. But yeah..Brakes idea is pretty good...can' figure out how it'd work, but i'm not clever enough for all that technical shiznit.
  20. Ha..battery powered brakes. If you get rechargeable ones, you're sorted. Until 'Oh shit..I forgot to charge by brake up..sorry lads, can't ride today'
  21. Ooh yeah...Nesquik too. And these Coco pops munchey things...soo good. Only ever eat it at night though.
  22. Everytime I go to Subway, I have the chicken and bacon ranche, hearty italian bread, toasted with mayo. # Addicted to Maoam at the moment...
  23. Maybe you set it up differently when you put the booster on? - Like the pads weren't perfectly flat on the rim or something?
  24. What hub have you just broken? How much have you got? Give us some help...
  25. I have 170's. Feel so much nicer than 160's...
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