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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Finished mine t'other day, and seeing as it's the first entry (I think) from someone on here, thought i'd make the entries topic. Mine: t3WLCwPbeV0
  2. Dan6061


    It usually says at the bottom 'Post edited [date] at [time] by [username]' at the bottom of every edited posts. Except by special people, like Seniors, Mods, Admins...
  3. W00t. Good rider.. 95% I think...
  4. Guessing by everyone elses posts.. Zona Zip. - Minnnt bike. Soo nice to ride.
  5. I had a Pig in my Zona.. Was really hard ti get out, then when it finally did come out, the King literally slipped in. Think the Pig's are ever so slightly bigger than any other headset, so it flared it slightly. Loctited it in though, so it's alright. Just be careful with Pig's...They're fat.
  6. Say you've had a BB7? - What set-up did you have? Hayes Nine's are grabby and 'on/off', feel nice too, like Magura's, and really solid. - Ever considered one?
  7. A sealed FSA headset will be fine. Sealed pig..etc. I was going to get one, but got a second hand King for £35...
  8. Monty risers? Onza ones, just cut them down slightly... Old Zoo's, I have these on my Zona, team stem...soooo nice.
  9. Don't get a new BB just because someone told you they're shit. Replace it when you break it.
  10. I always thought that was you in your avatar... ..or is it?
  11. Guess i'm too young for all this. I grew up playing Sega Megadrives, then the Playstation came out. These actually going to be good?
  12. Cheaper option: Ring up SMBBearings - 01993-842555 And ask for 4X - 6802-2RS Will cost around £12/13. Get the standard chrome ones too. More infor here: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=57836
  13. And that one was too? OnTopic: Bike looks..unfinished. Don't see why you'd put Cannondale stickers on a Monty..but I don't understand a lot of things. Show us some pictures when it's all built up.
  14. BB7, XTR Lever, Odyssey Slic Cable. Can't go wrong. Tip: Have the barrell adjuster out to finish off the lever pull, did this today, and the lever's really springy/responsive, and feels solid.
  15. Mine's been fine.. Do the wheel bolts up tight, then once that's in place, do the tensioners nuts up a bit tighten, should help stop it moving so much... Also try cleaning up the dropouts, and dirt etc could make it slip about...
  16. Got a Halfords near you? They should have some.. Thinking about it, so would somewhere like B&Q, Homebase, local Hardware stores...etc.
  17. Dan6061


    Long exposures, filming riding, portraits, long distance shots...etc.
  18. Not sure if they'll replace them, as they're 'wear and tear' items. Get rid of the gears, get a new mech hanger, a rohloff tensioner.
  19. You can only get screw on a attatchment lenses, which I have, and they're alright. I got mine off eBay, the fish-eye was about £40, made my a company called Opteka.
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