Magura what? HS33s? Louise? Marta? None of them are particulalry hard to bleed, as long as you have the right equipment. Search on here for a guide. There's approx. 82640 topics on it now...
If you want to cover your rim in white stuff, and make it look like you creamed all over it..then go for it. If you put a little too much on, your pads will properly stick to the rim... much worse than too much tar. It does make the brake a lot better..but so do good pads, or a grind.
You need a Park Tool BB tool. One that fits onto a socket. I have/had the same problem with my FSA Platinum Pro BB, I had a standard Shimano tool, and it wouldn't go over the spacers, where as the Park Tool one does.
I had a dream, where I had some money, so I went to the co-op for some food.. Then I left all the bags of food by my bed, and went to bed. Then I actually woke up, and was really confused, 'cause I couldn't find the food.
Maybe they didn't have the facilities or know-how. Not every bike-shop will be able to bleed Magura's. If they're a Magura specialist, then i'd question why they couldn't do it too...
Lee Evans for his facial expressions and high pitched voices, and accents. Jimmy Carr for his style. So laid back and effort-less. The way he does it is genious.
First 20mins of Richie Rich last night. Really dis-liked it.. Whatever his name is (the kid..) really irritates me. Making all of his films shit. Apart from Home Alone 1+2, becuase when you're 7-10, they awesome films. Rating for film - 3/10. Nice quick review.