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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Dan6061

    Short Vid

    Woah, were those last 2 clips from that Oxford ride aaaaaaaaages ago? Haha..forgot about them. Nice vid.
  2. I don't think that means he's being validated. As far as i'm aware, 'validating' means that he hasn't confirmed his T-F account, so his account hasn't been activated. I'm pretty sure I had to click a link, so activate my account, so I could actually use the forum. Was quite some time ago though...
  3. Best thing to do, if the elastic band trick doesn't work, is actually ring Hope. They really know their stuff there. When my mate from work rang up about bedding in his Mini, all he had to do was take the rotor out, pull the brake, and then put the rotor back, and 'pump' the brake. Then it was sorted.
  4. Might come down again soon. Will remember I have la camera, and take some more pic's. Cheers for the comments too.
  5. Dan6061

    Picture War

    "...no, they're insurance company Diane. That's just stupid what you said." - Family Guy.
  6. Will get that Saturday off work.
  7. Don't forget that you'd need a new olive for when you put it all back on...
  8. Don't make things complicated Ash...
  9. Smooth rim, Zoo pads, dry weather. Last ages, sqeak, no grinding, s'all good.
  10. Went there for a few hours today, only had the camera out for a little while. Rich - Tap. Iain - Gap from one ball to another. Iain again.. same as.
  11. Helium holes? - Or would they float away?
  12. Try to fill all 6GB on my Zen with music that I like. - No random songs, none that i'll just skip after 10s. 2GB so far...
  13. Dan6061

    Picture War

    Wire's been cut.
  14. Dan6061

    Picture War

    Virus protection.
  15. Put the rotor in the dishwasher, and either sand down the pads lightly, or get a lighter to them. When you put it all back on, chuck some water over the brake, ride around with the brake rubbing, then it should start getting really grabby. My BB7 does anyway...
  16. My chain's been going on since '05. Snapped a few times, probably stretched a lot too, but it's still surviving. Had my Zoo bars, and Echo Team stem for ages too, don't think i'll be changing that set-up soon. Just feels so nice.
  17. Not forgetting the rubber. At least...I think it's rubber?
  18. Dan6061

    Pad Reviews

    Zoo pads. I have them on a very dead grind, smooth even. And they're awesome. Locked straight away, then i put some water on, rode around with the brake on, then wiped it off again, and it was even better!
  19. Did you just look on the Supercycles website? If so, give them a ring and find out. Often better to talk to them on the phone, atleast then you know for sure if they have them or not.
  20. They do skip a fair bit from what i've seen. On an Oxford ride, a couple of people had them, and they were skipped a few times...
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