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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Dan6061


    "That's the post you've set fire to! The ROYAL MAIL! it's like...setting fire to a swan!" - Peep Show.
  2. Is there even enough fuel in the world for all that? Infact, you'd burn more fuel carrying the weight of all that fuel...
  3. You have no idea how many websites your video is on, haha. Mainly with the name 'Silly biker dude gets pwned!!!11lolol" etc.. Good to see more people coming back to trials.
  4. I just bled mine with WD40 a few nights ago. Had water in it, but the lever piston needed servicing, so I washed it out with WD40, then just thought it's easier to have WD40 in the system all the time. Just took a while to get all the bubbles out of it when I sprayed it into the syringe...
  5. What headset is it? Might be worth taking it apart, and having a look at/servicing it.
  6. I get T-F shotgun! I made the topic..which let most of you know about it... Be an extremely exciting trip.. going the Spain was boring enough...
  7. Quick search on Google and - Voila! Never tried it or anything, they just have a fancy website, so I reckon it's good.
  8. Give us 3000 years, and it'll be f**ked. Like Earth atm.
  9. '....Tosser' Brilliant video. Never seen that before.
  10. Click. Heard it on the radio at work yesterday. Be really weird to move planet, if that's even possible. Especially how there's similarities, such as water etc, but then the differences - Size, being able to it's sister planet from 'New Earth'. Thought it'd make an interesting topic. Anyone up for travelling 120,000,000,000,000 miles?
  11. Dan6061

    Problem Page!

    I did the same when my step-dad had it. Takes a while to get used to it all, when he had the operation where they removed his voice box etc, it took a while to be able to understand what he was saying. - Being scottish, he got annoyed that no one could understand him, especially when he had to talk by pressing the thing over the whole in his neck. Also the looks you get in the streets etc, soon get used to it all. As Dave said, just try and keep things as they usually would be, you'll adapt to the fact that he has it, and just make the most out of the time you have with him. I barely got to see my step-dad when he was in hospital, due to being at school, or my mum going straight after her work, but it was nice when I did see him, just to go and see him sorta thing.
  12. Where's the 'both' option?
  13. Didn't CLS used to polish his rims all the time?
  14. Dan6061

    Email Scams

    If you have nothing to do with that bank, then it's obviously a scam. Infact, no bank would even email you about anything to do with your account, especially about billing errors and whatnot. They'd ring you.
  15. Forget about all this dual disk lark and build the Zona back up.
  16. I used freewebs for mine, just didn't use the shitty templates. Use the thing where you just upload your codes..simple. No ad's or anything either. Then I use '.co.nr' for the address, so it wasn't 'freewebs.com/blahblahblah'
  17. Mine does that. 165mm rotor, on 20" wheel. Doesn't bother me though... Wouldn't mind knowing what's causing it though, everythings tight and fine...
  18. Still hasn't cracked or snapped yet though has it? Bloody strong frames they are. So under-rated because they're Onza.
  19. I've had my KMC Kool for around 2 years now.. Snapped a fair few times, to which i've simply replaced the broken link, and carried on. Snapped again today, so my mate gave me a random link of a spare bit of his BMX chain. Everything else is fairly new though.. Few bodges here and there, nothing to worry about. Bodged Magura TPA - Using a bolt instead of the 'fork' thing they usually have. Threaded stem thread - Using a nut and bolt instead. Using a few thin washers on my Magura bolts, becuase the bolts are too long, and i'm too lazy to cut them down. That's about it.
  20. 20p for a big pack of Doublemint chewing gum. Had a giant Lion bar a while back..was munching through that for ages. Also been buying the Snickers Duo bars. Basically a giant bar, but in two peices.
  21. By the looks of it, they have the same fittings as Magura's. So yeah, it will.
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