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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Bet you'll still come on here though.. You won't be able to stop yourself.
  2. I'd say that too. As he has out his right foot on the wheel first, the only possible way he could turn the bike straight away would be clockwise, as his left leg would still be over the bike, making it a bitch to turn the bike the other way.
  3. Dan6061

    Trials Wiki

    How come it's showing IP addresses instead of usernames?
  4. Just get what you like? It's your bike..who cares what anybody else thinks?
  5. Sup gay ratio. heh. Good stuff Rich.
  6. Dan6061

    How To?

    Angle grinder, Stone cutting disc, and a steady hand to brush it round on.
  7. Apparently it's really good, haven't actually seen it...but that's what i've heard. Instead of making a top every 10mins with a question (without a question mark ) why not use the Random Small Questions Thread?
  8. You could always double check before you click the 'Add reply' button? Funny how in a topic like this, you still spelt some words wrong..
  9. Oooh..I see it now. Although it looks like his stem's out of line with the front wheel?
  10. I still only see it as him riding away.
  11. Errr, cheers? 'Cos none of us have ever seen a Pro II before. </sarcasm>
  12. Dan6061

    Classic Minis

    I tried them, They quoted £1700 I think, everywhere else quoted me £2000.
  13. Dan6061

    Classic Minis

    Cheapest quote I got for my 1.3 (at 17) was £1300. - Direct Line.
  14. Dan6061

    Trials Wiki

    Each to their own... Although, I've tried your method of not using as much TPA, and my brake still felt shite, so I decided to properly clean the whole system, and see if that would solve anyting, and it did. Different people will have different problems, your brake might be fine apart from too much TPA, whereas other's might be really old, and have gunk and what-not stuck to the pistons. My method worked for me, so I though i'd share it. It seems to have worked for a fair few other people too, even after trying to use less TPA. EDIT: Spelling.
  15. Dan6061

    Trials Wiki

    Welll good idea. W00t..my Magura Piston topic is in there.
  16. Dan6061

    Rail Bail

    Hahaha...that's awesome.
  17. Dan6061


    Bit of a stupid question really? It's like asking "Shall I give myself AIDs?" It might take a while, but it'll kill you in the end... Really dislike smoking. Hate the way it smells, making my clothes, hair and skin stink, how it fills up rooms quickly, making it more difficult to breathe...everything about it. Plus my step-dad died from throat cancer.
  18. "Front Dick Drake" ? Depends on your set-up really, what pads you got? - Smooth rim or grind? I have a 165mm BB7 on the front of my mod, and it's much better than my Magura ever was.. 165mm Hope Gothic rotor, BB7, XTR lever, and Slic cable.
  19. I did that to my mates ollldd dicta freewheel. Suddenly went *bang* *crunnncchhh*. Turned into a freecoaster, but I couldn't pedal anyway. Took it back to his, opened the freewheel up... I'd snapped every pawl in half, and raped the ratchet on the freewheel body. Moral of the story: Get a decent freewheel! I hear Tensile's are really good if you're on a budget, if you have the money, get an ENO.
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