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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I didn't realised it'd happened to so many people. Not bothered about getting a replacement, I can't be arsed at the end of they day. Just gunna get a bashguard and use that. - Was going to do that ages ago, but didn't really see the point when the bashplate was fine.
  2. Local Tesco's have them too.
  3. Only on the bashplate mount, bu still... Just thought i'd worry some of you. I barely ever go to bash, never go on purpose, only when I slip down. It has had some harsh knocks there though...
  4. I like the look of the Limey mod. 2 and 3 are a bit... - What's the reasoning behind the dropouts on those? With the metal bits bolted in? I can't see a point to it really... The shorter headtube on the Limey stock looks pretty cool, reminds me of that 24" custom Zoot Tartybikes had? Oh, and the V stem just looks strange.
  5. I didn't have any problems when I ordered my Echo brake off them? Came the next day... As said, give them a ring...that's your best option.
  6. Ben..just face it..every bike you'll ever own will be dangerous.
  7. I'm thinking you should've left the oil in ther for a bit, to bed it all in or whatever. - Do they even need to bed in? You might have an oil/water mixture in the brake, which could make it go a bit shitty. When you bled it, did you properly wash all the oil out? Or did you just do it as normal?
  8. Had a well good day, even though I didn't ride much... was too hot. Neck's a bit red, t-shirt tans improved too. Big thanks to Sue and Charlie for setting it all up, and putting up with us lot. (Especially Prawn whio drove half way across the pitch )
  9. I'm 6ft, and the frame is perfect. Cannot fault it. Around 1040mm wheelbase, with Echo Easy forks.. Don't know the rest. Very nice on the backwheel, nice for gaps to front, nice for eveything. Strong frame too!
  10. You should. I can see your appearence making it much more entertaining...
  11. I can lend you 4. Pretty short bolts, not for booster or anything...?
  12. OX14 1PL - According to Google maps (Abingdon United?)
  13. Girl I like is in a relationship. Don't know who with..but still. Told her how I feel a few weeks ago too, and she doesn't feel the same, so things have been well awkward recently. Don't really know what to say...usually we'd just talk about anything and everything for ages..now it's like..5min conversations. =\ Sucks a bit. Time to get over her I suppose.
  14. Really wish the weather will be as good on Saturday as it was last year...
  15. Dan6061

    New Invention

    But this guy hasn't gotten anywhere by trying...
  16. Dan6061

    New Invention

    It's just scratched the rim a bit.
  17. Have you tried sticking something between the pad and rim when you set the brake up? Like coins or something? I always do this when I set my brake up, keeps the pads flat on the rim. Just make sure you use something that goes across the whole pad.
  18. Nice one Danny. Liked that. Make a proper video though.
  19. I used Freewebs for my site. It's not bad, if you don't use their crappy templates. Chose the option where you upload your own codes, and it's cool. No ad's or anything, and it's free. (obviously?)
  20. I don't have any cable ties, so I routed the hose like that.. When I sprayed the frame blue, it soon got battered and scratched..got fed up of it, so I just stripped the paint off. Scratches don't show up as much. Cheers for the comments.
  21. 1. Sam Jones 2. Bigman 3. Trials Commentator 4. Ash-kennard 5. Ghetto Rider 6. fugigas 7. monkeyseemonkeydo 8. Scopse 9. Quakers 10. Davenorfolk 11. Davetrials 12. Mission_Reefer_Rider 13. TeamWarRider 14. Derf 15. dan_cpu 16. Chris Abbey 17. Mike Crowther 18. Adam bessell 19. Danny Kearns 20. Chris Walford 21. john shrewsbury 22. riley 23. Pedrosa J 24. Lushey (NMC) 25. Ben Jones 26. Nick Manning + gf 27. Matt Burrows 28. Sam "Samwell" Hewitt 29. Joe Elding 30. Mark Westlake 31. Tom Chilvers 32. Tim Arnold 33. T-limburn 34. Sheringham_trials 35. Ross Gardner 36. Martin Grainger 37. Joe White 38. Oli Lewis 39. gr8grumble 40. tim h 41. tomj (nmc) 42. Michael Singleton 43. Prawny Baby 44. Prawny Babys Baby 45. Paul Oliver 46. George Seamons 47. Jonny Jones 48. Dan Jones 49. mowgli 50. adamgriffin3-if iv got my BB by then lol 51. James Porter 52. Jack Harmer (harmertrials) 53. Callum stickland (uniboy) 54. titty boy 56. lil marc 56.5-ben buckett 57.new bike 58. Phil Williams 59. mike carlin (sexymike) 60. Cj lang 61. Joe Baxter 62. Joe Rothwell 63. Simon 64. Brendan 65. Adrian Jordan ~ hes bikeless though 66. Manuel 67. Dan O'Shea 68. Rich Jones 69. Josh Joyce
  22. I was thinking that.. Didn't know he made those too... Always thought he'd make colourful cassettes too..
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