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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Nice forks. Like how you've drawn on them with a black pen. Stop spending your money on potatoes and spend it on that...thing!
  2. Myself and a few mates are riding Milton Keynes on Sunday. Meeting at the train station at 12. Anyone else is welcome to join us, even bmxers!
  3. Speak to Dave85 (Edd Potts). He'll be able to machine you some for a fair price.
  4. Don't know if that's good or not...
  5. Ban speeding. Not the cameras. - They save lives!
  6. It's just spray on glue. -Will stick your pads to the rim too. Will leave white marks all over your rims, which looks a bit...
  7. Just buy some pads that are designed for grinds? Have you got a Magura or a V brake? - Either way, trials specific pads are available... You could always sand down your rim so it's smooth again. I did that when I got my Zoo pads.
  8. Probably. As long as he gets the right diameter sothe bearings can still press on, then it'd be fine. You want to keep the bearings the same size as standard, if you make the axle bigger, the bearings will have to be smaller. = weaker. You might've already worked that out, but still... But yeah, should be fine.
  9. T-Pro hubs have standard unsealed axles. Whereas T-master hubs have the axles machined for the sealed bearing cartridges. So no, you won't be able to convert it. They're good hubs. I borrowed my mates for a while last year and it was fine. 'Fit and forget' kinda thing.
  10. Bumping a 6month old topic ***! Anyhoo...One other person is alright. Don't like riding on my own. Especially when I find a good new line, and no one was there to see it... Few others is good too, not too many though... I'm fussy.
  11. Why would you want an aftermarket lever? Just get anothe XTR for £20! barggaaaiiinnnn!
  12. Sand the rim down so it's smooth, and get yourself some Zoo pads.
  13. Don't think you can buy the lever blade on it's own. If you do find one, it'll probably be around £15-£20. - Might aswell just buy the whole lever off CRC for £20! Bargain.
  14. It'll cost them more for a '.com' domain. Don't think Tom/Danny would want to fork out more money for this bloody forum. Won't really make a difference, quick search of 'Trials Forum' in Google, and you get to here...
  15. I thought you got bored and polished a shitty freewheel... or did you? It's pretty shiney...
  16. Sand around your rim, then wash it with warm, soapy water. Then do the same to the pads. Put it all back on, soak the rim with water, and ride around with the brake on for a bit. You should get bubbles all over the tyre, looks like foam? and some dirty water left on the rim. Just keep rinsing it off, and keep riding with the brake on. It should start getting louder and better each time you do it. Works for me every time. I haeve a smooth rim and Zoo pads. - Which get dirty and shitty before you even ride. So I pretty much have to clean it before each time I ride...
  17. Be a man, take the pain. ...Or be a self-image freak, and just sit and cry when you bash your pedal through your shin. Your choice.
  18. In reference to IOLO's post: Click.
  19. Looks nice. I'd change those forks if I was you, those Onza ones are nasty and heavy.
  20. I've had many of those dreams where you nod off and dream that you're falling, then just before you hit the ground you suddenly wake up... The other night I woke myself up because I punched the wall. Not very hard, didn't hurt...was just weird.
  21. They're still stupidly strong..if you don't have a bashplate.
  22. How many of these grips have you actually got?
  23. Nah, you'll need a booster. Mine flexes a bit with an Echo Team (2 bolt) Booster. - My mate has the 4 bolt GU booster and his brake is solid!
  24. It was grey, didn't like it, so I stripped it and sprayed it blue. That got really chipped/scratched and shitty, so I just stripped it.
  25. I know... I didn't post it to be like 'oh my god Zona's are shit!1!' Just posted to see if anyone else has managed this..looks like i'm not the only one.
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