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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. My T-Pro hub just generally raped itself. What I expected it to do really, just standard unsealed hub with 'Onza' etched onto it. Just get a Profile.
  2. At a guess, the Trial one will have a smaller piston, meaning it'll be slightly more powerful. Other than that, I have no idea.
  3. Dan6061

    The Storm?

    Me and my mate were arranging to go ride.. I said "mm..looks like it's gunna rain though?" He text back saying "Nah, I don't think so..." Then boom! It chuuuucked it down.
  4. This happened to my mate with his 4X bike. He actually wore a hole in the frame..which then cracked, and snapped. - And that was from the tyre! similar... >_< Tape would do nothing really, if a rubber tyre constantly brushing past wore a hole in a metal frame, then a chain would tear through tape no problem! Your best bet is to do what Ash said, and get a narrower BB. Does look like your chain line is terrible, causing the chain to rub on it really badly! Thinking about it, what chain are you running? Could perhaps try a narrower one?
  5. What's the sticker covering though?
  6. The pictures make my eyes go weird.
  7. Ahhh nice! I was standing there with Ben Cox watching. Might be in the shots.
  8. What the hell did you do at the end? And why do you sound like when two cats fight?
  9. I don't know what i'd to in that situation really. Would try my hardest to not simply give them anything, but i'm not exactly one for fighting... Glad to hear you didn't get stabbed/shot/raped or anything though.
  10. Very good shots. Got any of Fred etc with the kicker up to the skip+pallets?
  11. Yup. Top of a bottle top, on the edge. Vimto one to be precise. Took it by holding my lens the wrong way round, so it was really, really macro-y.
  12. It's not a plastic plate. It's drink related...
  13. It is an edge of something yes.
  14. Seeing as I got a fair few replies in the 'Random Photo Thread' I thought i'd make it a topic. Guess what this is: Go!
  15. Nice one Steve. Might see you there then...
  16. Hahaha. Never, ever seen one go like that! Brilliant.
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