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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Ah, I just figured it was the way I said it, because he wants an '07 Echo rim... They come in 32h only.
  2. I've just got myself an '07 Kris Holm rim. Hopefully it's a bit stronger than the older one, as I've dented it a few times, plus i've cracked it. From here: Click. Ordered mine Friday, got it Saturday! Problem is, you'd need new spokes. Which is probably best to do anyway, as i'm certain that old spokes will be stretched and stressed. I ordered mine from Tarty'. Hopefully they'll know the right size for it, they did for the older one anyway...Not sure if the new one has the same ERD or not. (Doesn't say) Oh, and it is possible to lace a 32h rim on a 36h hub. CLS did it. You just have to miss a spoke at 12o'clock, and 6o'clock, on each side of the wheel. I think?
  3. Yeah i'm up for this! Depends on if Rich will come or not, he'll be providing the transport over...
  4. Re-designed my profile. Click.
  5. Dan6061


    Only watched part I so far, but wow. I knew it was all made up or something...just didn't know how.
  6. How the hell do you manage that? - Massive tuck?
  7. Well that was helpful... To quote something I found here.
  8. Dan6061

    First Car Wtf

    moneysupermarket.com are pretty good. Try Quinn-direct though. They gave me a mega cheap quote on my Mini!
  9. Another vote for Echo Lites. Mine have been fine, and feel really nice on my Zona.
  10. Dan6061

    First Car Wtf

    1.3i Mini. Small (extremely) cheap - Bought mine for £1400 (N reg Sidewalk)/. £12 to fill up, £954 insurance with Quinn-Direct. Pretty nippy aswell, so light, and with the 1.3, it's pretty quick. Mine kept up with everything on the dual carriageway after picking it up... Very bumpy car though, stiff suspension. Meaning you feel every pot hole, stone, peice of grass. Pretty simple inside too, heating is either on/off, car/windscreen, hot/cold. None of this fancy 'on face and feet, on face not feet' malarky. Just simple, britich controls. I can fit my bike in it too, baring in mind it's a mod... Take the front wheel out, turn the bar+stem round, and it fits perfectly on the back seat.
  11. He has the whole world to ride in, and he only rides one that one mountain. It's all down to how you look at it. He can't really say trials is a waste of time, he's in the same boat. They're both a form of mountain biking. We all keep healthy from it, we enjoy it, it keeps us happy. - How is that a waste of time?
  12. Looks good. Could probably shave a load of weight down if you just machined it down to a 'Y' shape? or is that what you're going to do?
  13. Ah wow. Nice one. Glad to hear another stolen bike is safe and sound.
  14. Must be...he doesn't look old at all!
  15. I swear i've done something like that at night when I was fiddling with my camera (350D) Can't figure it out now?
  16. Contact whoever you got the frame from, and tell them you didn't get one as expected.
  17. Mike's just good with camera's...and photoshop.
  18. Might aswell close the thread with that score.
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