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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. It's all on fine. As i've said, the flash zooms when the camera zooms, it changes aperature when the camera changes aperature... It was £105. Not exactly cheap? - Same as a Sigma DG 500
  2. So how do I get it to flash when I take the picture? Got it locked onto the hot shoe, camera is in Manuel, and the flash is set to 'M 1/2' ...? Not working though.. The flash zooms with the camera, and also sets the aperature automaticaly on 'TTL' but it still wont work?
  3. Tried poking and proding the screen a bit..doesn't seem to be doing much. What would happen if I took it apart a bit? Just to look inside? What's the chance of completley f**king it up if i do this?
  4. I can't adjust trhe brightness. I CAN'T GET TO THE MENU. Dumbass.
  5. Just got this camcorder this morning, doesn't have a memory card or disc in it yet, but it's still possible to access the menu's etc without them. Basically, when I turn it on, the LCD screen is just black, and the viewfinder is just white. I've been pressing all sorts of buttons, but it's not doing anything? I've called Samsung customer services, and he gave me a number for their repair place. I called them, and I had some very dull sounding woman tell me I need to send it to their repair centre in Gatwick with £35 just so they can look at it! I'm not sending it there! Not so some bloke can say 'Oh yeah, f**ked that is!' and send it back. Payment is non-refundable unless I decide to go ahead with the repair, which will probably cost too much, and they'll say they've fixed something else on it, when they haven't. All I want to know is what's causing it to do this? Has anyone else had this problem? - What did they do to solve it? I need this for Saturday.
  6. Haha, yeah. That's not his best stuff either. He has a much better style now too, smoother and just 'flows' better. Thanks for the comments.
  7. Yup. The flash synchronizes with the camera, becaus ehwne I change the camera's aperature, the flash changes too. The camera is pretty low on battery..just noticed.
  8. Cheers! I just put the video together, he shot it all. Well, some squeaky lad in Devon did anyway.
  9. Got my flash this morning (Opteka EF 600DG Super) Sigma copy I guess? I know it's compatible with my 350D, but when I put it on the hot-shoe, and try to take a picture, the flash doesn't go off? There's nothing on the camera's menu about an external flash either... What am I doing wrong?
  10. Dear Apple Store Customer, We regret to inform you that your recent order for the Iomega 1TB Value Series Hard Drive. Which you placed on the online Apple Store has not been accepted. Due to a temporary inaccurate pricing issue on the store, the price of the product was listed incorrectly as £19.95. Whereas the correct online Apple Store price is £199.95 i.e. the listed price was approximately 10% of the correct price. We would like to draw your attention to clauses 2.4 and 2.5 of the Apple Online Store Terms and Conditions under which if Apple cannot accept your Order, we will contact you. Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to clause 2.6 of the Apple Online Store Terms and Conditions under which Apple reserves the right to cancel your order in case of a price error on the Apple Online Store. We understand the inconvenience that this pricing inaccuracy may have caused you, and we sincerely apologize. Kind Regards, The Apple Store
  11. Just complained to Watchdog. Why the feck did Apple change my order to some label writer?! Can they do that?
  12. Cut a slot in the head and use a flat-headed screwdriver.
  13. About that yeah... Took them that to just send me a filter.
  14. Ah wow. That was awesome!
  15. Just finished editing my mates video from when he was in Devon. He's 15, and too good on a BMX. This video doesn't reallt do him justice. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  16. Why not lace it up and find out? Building wheels is easy, just follow one of these guides: Official OBM Wheelbuilding. G-Sport Wheelbuilding Guide. -For a 36h, 4X build. Helped me most when I built 2 of my wheels. Sheldon Brown's Wheelbuildinf guide.
  17. Just leave the trials videos to us Brit's.
  18. It was that too. I just don't like my stupidity being kept on the internet...
  19. God damn it. It's late..I wasn't thinking..
  20. Straight of the camera. Really like the colours.
  21. I've read all of the first post, and browsed some commentss afterwards on the first page. Nothing else. To contribute: Soon enought, non-smokers will moan that they cannot walk down the street without being surrounded by smokers. To enter a pub/restaraunt, they'd have to weave there way through smokers. Politicians will then take note of this and completely ban smokers in all public places. Be it in a pub or outside in a street. The only place they'd be able to smoke is in their cars/vans, and inside houses. This is how I see it. As you said, everyone's too focused on creating this 'perfect world' and it's justy turning to shit. We've already done the damage. Infact we're still doing it, all we can do now is cut back and kill our planet a bit slower. We can only blame ourselves. Not as individuals, but as a race. Back to the smoking ban. Haven't been down to the pub yet since the ban has been in force, so I can't put forward my views on what it's like as a non-smoker. I can see how much of a pain in the arse it must be for smokers to have to go outside for a fag. I'd like to say it gets them some fresh air, but it wouldn't be that would it... I'm a non-smoker myself, my step-dad sadly died last June from throat cancer, so i'm strogly against smoking. I can't stand being around smokers. It's the smell of it, it gives me a headache. The way it just 'hangs around' in rooms is irritating. It makes my eyes feel strange after being around it. I'm used to it now, my Dad smokes, and smoked in the house when he lives here, as did my step-dad until Mum made him smoke outside. When I go to see my Dad he'll have a fag or two whilst we're there. I don't like it though. I can say i've tried it before, I was young and curious, was one of those 'everyone else is' things, not thinking about the concequences. One drag and I hated it. I didn't cough or choke, I just hated the taste and feeling of the smoke in my mouth and lungs. As a non-smoker, i'm all for the ban.
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