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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Get an '07 Kris Holm rim. Same as an Echo '07. but 36h. I have one on my Profile. Silly strong.
  2. Dan6061


    With me, he asked where I got it from, and I jsut said 'errr..Tartybikes' And he was like 'oh right yeah, cool.' (Got it 2nd hand )
  3. Dan6061


    Website. Give them a ring on: 023 8045 8328 Should sort you out with a new one. They sent me a driver spacer for my bearings when I lost mine for free. Rang them in the evening, and it came the next morning!
  4. Re-size them. Upload them on imageshack, and use the re-size options to get it to the right size, then post away! Or just upload the full-res picture and post it, the forum (should) automatically re-size it to fit the page.
  5. Once when I broke my bleed kit syringe, I attached my bleed kit hose to our hose gun thing, and just blasted water through the system, then did up the bleed bolt on the lever, then took off the bleed kit, and did the other bolt up. Got soaked..but it worked well. Refreshing too.
  6. Just how you'd cut 'normal' bars I guess? - Hacksaw? They're only have a thin layer of carbon fibre, the rest will be aluminium. Might want to wait for some more people to reply though, i'm just guessing about how you cut it.
  7. I remember when I broke my mates crappy Dicta freewheel on his Zona build (basically the same as mine ) so I was scootering it along, then doing freecoaster trials. Well good fun!
  8. Take both bleed bolts out, and submerge it in water. (bath/sink) 1. Cover one hole, and pull the lever. 2. Hold the lever blade down, and cover the other hole. 3. Release the lever. Then repeat step one, and do it untill you're happy. This will pull the lever through the system, then kick the air out at the other end. Just make sure the lever you 'push' the air out of is higher than the other bleed hole. - Because air is lighter than water, so it will float upwards through the system.
  9. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryBargain price, item came quickly. Same condition as described. Awesome. Given By: Dan6061 You were the: Seller Date: 1184837337
  10. Got a local cashconvertors? Have a look in there.. My bike ended up in there when it got stolen, then some fat guy's house, then eBay! Hope you get it back!
  11. Clean the threads out, and try tightening them again. Check you haven't ballsed the tapers up aswell!
  12. Just use a bashring. Much lighter, look better, does the same job. Just doesn't keep you that stable if you're still learning. Which is good in a way, because you'll get better balance.
  13. I reckon you should make a sealed one aswell. Although I like the caged bearings, much better than ACS's loose bearings. - Made servicing mine a right bitch way back when...
  14. I fell off when my bars were tilted back! only hopped to a curb after building my bike up again. Tilt them forward. Will feel loads nicer to ride. I have mine (old Zoo bars) so they're back a tiiiny bit.
  15. How old are you? No offence..but you look tiny on that mod!
  16. It's an ET24..gunna break at some point? Is there actually any left? That's not cracked?
  17. No, that frames royaly raped. Sam lives literally down the road from me. The chainstay bent, and the previous owner bodged it by drilling a new hole for the wheel to sit in.
  18. I used an 8mm spanner, 3mm allen key a sink full of water.
  19. Same, without the tar. Shame when it rains..or you go to a dusty place...
  20. Ohhhh..you're asking.. Thought you were saying it like 'OMGZ you got ANY idea how much that paint weighs!!!!?' I dunno? Seems about normal? bit thicker maybe.
  21. The new Czar was what made me spray it white. Dengura is lovely, water bled it the other night, feels sooo nice. No problems at all.
  22. I don't care abiut weight, why'd you think I still have the Zona? The Halfords spray I used when it was blue wasn't that great, chipped off well easy. Hammerite's awesome.
  23. Will change the rim tape the white when I get some.
  24. Got well bored of having it just silver, so I got some white paint, and sprayed the bars, pedals and frame. Paint job isn't that great, Hammerite sprays seem to spit out when you first press the cap down.... I'm happy with it though.
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