Right, Myself and some mates were all down at the pub, having a few drinks and a laugh etc. We all left the pub at closing time, still having a laugh outside, talking and whatnot. We started to cross the road, and we're all saying goodbye (in the road) as we live in seperate directions. We see/hear a car coming speeding round, so we all get onto the path quickly. Still shouting goodbye etc, and going our seperate ways. The car suddenly stopped, and these 3 jump out and were like "what the f**k you saying?" etc being all aggressive. Then they started pushing at Chris 1 and he was saying "what? I haven't done anything!?" Then Carl and Chris 2 run over to help out and to see what's going on, and Chris 2 gets punched in the face, eye, and nose, and punched through a bush and small fence. Dan runs over to stop them, and they start punching him and pulling him into the road, still hitting him. All three of them were punching Chris and Dan, I know all 3 of them. We played pool with them all at the same pub a while back! Chris tried to explain that we didn't do anything, and who we were etc, but they didn't listen. Two of them get back in the car, and One of them is still hitting and shouting at Dan, dragging him in the road and punching him in the face. Dan was like "I'm just trying to help my mates out i'm sorry!" We rang the police, and soon enough (5mins) they came, and we all told them exactly what happened. I saw the whole thing. The car stopping, all three of them getting out, I know who they are, where they live etc. All told to the police. I didn't know what to do when it was all happening, just stood and witnessed it all in shock I guess. The police have enough evidence to arrest them, names, addresses, descriptions of them and the car they were in. Hopefully they'll get what they deserve! They took all our details and statements, they're now looking for them to arrest and question them. One of the officers said that they wont ask them what happened, because they have more than enough witnesses of that already, they're going to ask them why they did it, becuase neither us or them can understand why. Spoilt a good night out! Felt a topic would be better than the Angry thread, seeing as there's more room for discussion and whatnot.