Tried to buy a camcorder off eBay, it said it needed quick payment blah blah, which was cool. Well, I though i'd have been paid already, but I hadn' it said it was unsuccessful. I tried again yestersay, because usually I get paid atleast at the last day of the month, and got the same thing. We all got paid today, my pay slip said £257.__ and my bank account said £30(ish). Got a mini statement, and two payments of £115 (for the camcorder+postage) had been made out. Is it right that the money was taken after i'd been paid, after it told me it was unsuccessful or whatever? Also, my eBay didn't say anything like 'You have won this Item!' or anything, and my Paypal account doesn't say that it's been made out, but my mini statement does? - Is that normal for these quick payment things? I've emailed the seller telling them about it, literally just done it, so i'm waiting for a reply. I don't think they've scammed me, because it was all through Paypal, which is secure any everything. Just think it's weird that it carried on the sale after i'd been paid, instead of just cancelling it altogether because I had no money...