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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I have abnormally big hands.. I get irritated when the light's on in a room, but no-ones in it. I get annoyed when the TV's really loud. Usually when either my mum or sister is watching it, don't know why they need it that loud... I can hear it from the garage! My eyes blink when there's sudden loud noises, but not when i'm making the noise. - Was annoying learning to play the drums, because i'd be blinking like a spastic when i'm being taught the beat, then i'm fine when I do it? The tops of my thumbs are bent round more than usual, which makes it look like I can bend my thumbs back loads. I have a tiny mole on my bottom lip, that looks like a splodge of oil. Think that's it?
  2. Ok. So basically if there's no money in the account, they'd wait until there was money, then hold it for 3-5days, then the items get paid for? Hard to explain..but I think I understand? So hopefully I should get an email saying the payments were successful?
  3. Tried to buy a camcorder off eBay, it said it needed quick payment blah blah, which was cool. Well, I though i'd have been paid already, but I hadn't..so it said it was unsuccessful. I tried again yestersay, because usually I get paid atleast at the last day of the month, and got the same thing. We all got paid today, my pay slip said £257.__ and my bank account said £30(ish). Got a mini statement, and two payments of £115 (for the camcorder+postage) had been made out. Is it right that the money was taken after i'd been paid, after it told me it was unsuccessful or whatever? Also, my eBay didn't say anything like 'You have won this Item!' or anything, and my Paypal account doesn't say that it's been made out, but my mini statement does? - Is that normal for these quick payment things? I've emailed the seller telling them about it, literally just done it, so i'm waiting for a reply. I don't think they've scammed me, because it was all through Paypal, which is secure any everything. Just think it's weird that it carried on the sale after i'd been paid, instead of just cancelling it altogether because I had no money...
  4. Dan6061

    Bmx Fight

    I prefer this one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmhU2597PCM Protesting against the cops. Anyone know what the song is?
  5. 12 blue pallets...whatever that is? 7ft?
  6. Looks the shiz... Ask them just to turn it on and test it.
  7. ^^ Completely wrong IMO. Loads of people use front discs. Mainly Avid BB7's because they have so much power! Much better than a rim brake. Your Hayes should be powerful enough? How old is it? Try cleaning the disc and pads. Boil the disc in the pan, to get any dirt off it, and blowtorch the pads to burn any oil etc off them. This should increase it's performance dramatically. If you can't be arsed with that, ride around with the brake slightly on for a while so it heats up, the pour some cold water on it. Not really sure how, but it makes disc brakes work so much better!
  8. I made the exact same topic way back when... Click. As long as you're getting onto it sideways, you're doing it fine.
  9. What's the modt useful post ever on the forum then?
  10. Canon 350D or 400D with a battery grip. Fo' Sho'.
  11. Where's the need for them though? Not like your wheels are going to spin that quickly anyway... Or is it just a strength thing?
  12. They're all the same thing, just been uploaded in various different places for different download speeds etc.
  13. 20mins you've spent in this thread.... And still no pictures!
  14. If you have time to doss about on T-F, you have time to get some pictures!
  15. Ah gay! I have a driving lesson tomorrow..so I wont be able to come. Shame, well up for riding now. haha.
  16. Meh, I don't know. Saw the bolts on the frame, and saw the bit on the floor, and quickly posted without thinking. :$
  17. Driver: 6802-2RS. Hub: 6903-2RS. EDIT: Woops! They're Profile sizes... :$
  18. Ring SMB Bearing and ask for 4 of 6802-2RS. - 01993-842555 Will be around £4 for all 4. Instead of £4 each that Pofile sell them for.
  19. Looks like you're all drinking cherryade. Hardcore!
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