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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Translation: Ah crap, we don't know how to sort that out. Just use Firefox.
  2. Spokes a bit too long? Sure it's laced properly?
  3. Easier said than done. I can't simply forget about her. We're best mates. I talk to her all the time, so if I just didn't one day, then she'd wonder what's wrong with me. Sucks. Oh, and she's taken atm. So I can't/won't try anything. Even when she was single, it took me f**king ages to get the balls to tell her how I feel, and even then I f**ked it up. I worried f**king loads, it didn't feel like the right time at all, but i'd already told her I wanted to talk to her..and I can't think on my feet, so I had to go for it. I was shaking, could feel my heart beat going crazy, and I jumbled my words up... Afterwards when I was walking back to the bus stop, I was thinking over what had just happened, and I was like 'I didn't tell her this, or that, should've said this instead of that'. I'm shit at all that soppy stuff, showing my true feelings is something I find stupidly hard to do most times...
  4. I'd just wear casual clothes, like what i'd usually wear, but plan out what i'd say in the interview fecking loads. That way they'd remember me...
  5. That won't sort me out..that'd make my balls ache...badly.
  6. It sucks when you still like your ex from around 15months ago. Soon after we split, we started talking to eachother again, not like all the time, but the odd conversation every now and then.# Now we're best mates, but I want more than that. I told her how I felt quite a while ago, but it got well f**kibng awkward. Thing is, I don't show my true emotions. It's just how I am. Basically went: Me: so yeah..I really like you again.. Her: You do? Me: Yeah... *long pause* Me: ha..well that's made things awkward That made things slightly better, well, felt like it anyway. Made her laugh which seems to be one of the things i'm good at. I don't really know what i'm getting at here, just typing shit out to help me think a bit more. Thing that sucks, is that we seem so perfect for eachother. We're so similar it's untrue. We understand eachother by thinking about what we'd do. Like I can understand her by thinking 'actually, i'd do that...' and i'm right. We like the same music, same people, we had the same things growing up, our personality's are similar, what we do, what we say... I seem to be able to get on with everyone, if I don't like them that much, I still make myself me freindly to them. It's the exact same with her. Like, just now on msn, I linker her to that 'Ghost's of the London Underground' video, and was going on about how interesting it is.. Then I said '...didn't watch it did you?' her: haha..no..sorry =P me: haha..s'ok. i wouldn't have if you linked me to it.. her: yeah. we have a little too much in common... me: yeahman i know..it's weird..but cool. Psshhh..sucks. Everytime I check out other girls, I compare them to Sophie. I think 'yeah, she's nice' if I talk to them, i can't help but think 'Yeah..nothing like Sophie though' I can't help it. I know I should've got over her ages ago, but I simply can't. It doesn't exactly make sense...
  7. I'll leave it 'til tomorrow for when I watch it... I'll only freak myself out if I watch it now. :$
  8. Nice one Bollocks. Mint that, fecking mental. P.S...Thanks for the belt.
  9. I prefer Windows Movie Maker, but I have a fairly simple editing style. Download a trial version and see how you get on with it.
  10. Read my essay. I use wet lube in mine. Never skips.
  11. Right, Profile's are seriously easy to service, just follow this guide (that I've literally just written). Take it off the bike, obviously, and keep the non-drive side bolt in, get a rubber maller, and bash the axle out. Don't worry about messing the threads up, they're silly strong! Once you've done that, the driver (still attached to the axle) should come out, one of the hub bearings will probably still be on the axle, you'll need to take the driver off the axle so you can put it all back together properly! To take it off, get a vice, and put the bolt back into the drive side. Close the vice so the teeth of the cog stop it from falling down. Hard to explain... What you need to do, is bash the bolt so it pushes the axle out. Once you've done that, the driver should be off the axle, and the hub bearing will still be in place. Give the axle a good clean, and lube the bearings up. The slot the axle back into place.* Now you've got that all apart, it's time to clean it all! Carefully take the pawls and springs out, *make a note of how they're in the driver though*, and put them somewhere where you won't lose them. *Now you have just the driver on it's own, slot it over the hub bearing that's not pressed into the hubshell, and carefully knock the top of the driver with a rubber mallet. This should make the bearing and axle sit nicely in place. Take the driver back off the axle. Get some GT85/WD40, and spray the pawls and springs, and around the ratchet (teeth in the hubshell) Once you've drenched all that, get some kitchen roll and just wipe all the crap out of it. (Just clean it all) Now put the springs and pawls back in place, making sure they go in the right way! If you have some, drip some wet lubricant (Finishline, Bikehut stuff etc) on everything, if not, just drench it all in GT85/WD40. Now putting the driver back in place is fiddly, but not hard at all. You have to hold all the pawls down so the driver can just slip into the ratchet. You'll have to turn the driver about so they all slip in place. Right, when you boshed the axle off, the metal presses should've came off too, Black one for the non-drive side, silver for the drive side. All you have to do to put those back on is knock them on with the rubber mallet. They literally just wedge on the ends of the axle to keep it all in place, and give the hub the correct spacing. Hopefully all that is understandable. If you have any problems PM me.
  12. Funeral for a Friend - Roses for the Dead. Can't stop listening to it.
  13. Sounds like you've either broken the bearings, broke a pawl or spring, and you've got bit's of metal being ground about in the hub. Take it all apart, and give it a good clean!
  14. Larger scale of the truman show anyone? We can only travel so far because we're under control, and not being allowed to travel as far as other species.
  15. Replace the hub and brakes on the 1.3 and you'll be sorted.
  16. Maybe so, but surely there'd have to be something for the particles to appear into? So..where did that nothingness that the particles appeared in come from?
  17. What condition is it in? Got any pictures?
  18. Dan6061

    Msn Help

    Sure it's not your mate messing about?
  19. It's a Hitachi dvd camcorder. Didn't come with any software, don't think I can lower the burn speed. Didn't think to try it in another device, will get back to you with that.
  20. Been recording stuff on my camcorder, and I put the disc in my DVD drive on my PC, but it doesn't show anything on the disc? Says it's empty, even though it's not.. Help?
  21. Where the hell did it all come from? How could it have always been there?
  22. Beasty riding! So smooth.
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