She's taken. Pretty sure it's serious too. Thing is, we have everything in common, apart from our genders..pretty much. I went out with her aaages ago, and she went to a party, got trashed, and got with some guy for like 2s. Then she told me in person, and I forgave he. After that, she started being all weird, just not being the same as before. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she was thrown by my reaction when she told me what happened. I stayed calm when she told me, because that's what i'm like. I don't get fired up about anything. Then she split up with me. Which properly sucked. We've been best mates for ages now, but I want more then that. I told her how I feel a while ago, and I messed things up. I was so nervous, but went for it, and she didn't feel the same. Which made things awkward for a while. But recently i've been getting mixed signals from her, at times i've been thinking she likes me again, other times I just don't know.