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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I had no problems when I dealt with Ben. Can't remember what it was I bought or sold, but I know it was with Ben. Strange.
  2. I was only joking... Plus it's not racist because Liverpudlian isn't a race.
  3. Just gave him a ring. He claims that some guy part exchanged it for a car he sold or something. He really as no idea what he's on about... Says it's got hydraulic brakes, 'eco' tough bars, and a dent in the frame. I asked where on the frame, and he was like 'riiight..y'know the bit that connects the handlebar to the chain and that?' "err..oh the face tube?" 'yeah! that's it. little dent on the face tube' I asked him what else it has... Chris king hub on a BMF rim, no chain, wheel is slightly buckled and rubs on the brake. Has an HS33 on the back, Pazazz stem, Echo tough bars. That's all the could tell me. - Basically everything he could read on the bike.
  4. I had some Part Tool one that fits to the end of a ratchet. Your LBS should have one if they're any good...
  5. I'd rather strap a laptop to my wrist. Pretty much what that is actually...
  6. Description doesn't sound very trials-rider..ish? Very basic description, like the sorta things a chav or anyone would say. Seems a bit dodgey.
  7. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryAwesome! Easy to talk to, came quickly in the post. Couldn't ask for more! Given By: Dan6061 You were the: Seller Date: 1191443607
  8. How would you benefit from that? I've never had any problems with my hub flanges...ever?
  9. Dan6061

    New Drivers

    I'm 17. Was just under £1,000 3rd party F+T. Which is awesome compared to the £3k quotes I was getting off other companies.
  10. Dan6061

    New Drivers

    Try Quinn. Got an awesome quote on my 1275cc Mini.
  11. Guessing it's two parts, that thread into eachother? Awesome idea. Never seen it before though...
  12. Old Zoo bars, old(ish) Echo Team stem. Feels so nice.
  13. Yeah, get one of those! I have one on my Profile, and it's silly strong. Good with grinds and easily as strong as a new Echo. - Same material and widths, bit heavier I think because of the eyelits, which is better really... And you get rim tape with it too.
  14. I have black rims. Matches every colour scheme. Although if it's going to be tarted up...blue. I like blue.
  15. That was an awesome video. I like how you put in clips of just having a laugh on rides, it's not seen very often nowadays. Huuge shiz too!
  16. What the hell are these things? - Obviously something for brakes..but what?
  17. You really shouldn't judge people because of how they type on a forum. It was obviously readable, unlike what some of the new members seem to type out... "Oh look! He said 'im' instead of 'i'm'. He obviously tries to get with girls with boyfriends and spits on old people!' I know it's annoying when it's not all typed out in sentances and paragraphs etc, but he could be rushing typing it out. It happens when you're angry/upset/whatever. OnTopic: Jack, have you properly talked to her about how you feel about her going out with her 'mates'?
  18. By the sounds of it, she'd rather be out in a feild drinking with these lads etc than spending time with you? Doesn't sound good. Tell her that's what it feels like, and see what she says. If she still wants to go out with everyone else and not you, then is she really worth hanging on to?
  19. Also remember you at the DJ ride. (Was on the Zona Zip..Dengura?) Mint vid', liked the beginning...
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