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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Don't go anywhere near your rotors with Meth's! - It leaves an oily resifue which will make your brakes worse. Also, I really can't see how smearing mud all over it will help them bed in? This will just get the pads dirty and will defeat the point of cleaning it all in the first place. Follow Keul_Muel's advise, apart from the mud bit. Just clean it all, pour water on, ride a bit to get the rotors hot, and pour more water on. Just keep doing that until you're happy/tired.
  2. Of course! I mean, trials riders are strange people anyway, and americans. ...but american trials riders...
  3. If I get my bus pass from college by then I'll come up!
  4. He didn't say he sidehopped it though...
  5. Really hated the drum and bass. But excellent riding!
  6. Just registered, tried to log in, but it said my email address hasn't been registered? I even got an email saying I registered.
  7. Dan6061

    Bread Makers

    I got my mum one for christmas.
  8. Dan6061

    Complete Retard

    No way has someone actually bidded on that Leopard suit!? Kennard..looking at you..
  9. Just make a proper video already!
  10. It'll be the postal strikes. No question. I sent a fiver to Sam Doman just before the strikes, and he hasn't got it yet. Was all slyly wrapped up in paper so you couldn't tell there was money in there.
  11. Dan6061


    So that's what Nick was complaining about... Awesome vid' Jonny. Never cease to amaze me with your camera work.
  12. I doubt that Fatty, if she was perfect in every way, she'd be with you. Aaanyhooo..just got back from the fair in town last night. The fair was shit, but the (sorta) pub crawl was fun. Didn't stay in a pub for more that one drink, cos of some shit going on... Too much walking, no enough drinking...
  13. Dan6061

    New Bike

    Looks nice Bessell. No more dodgy Hope on the front..haha
  14. There was debates over not having it in Britain because Britain's too british.
  15. You being sarcastic? It's not original at all really, everyone with a single-speed stock's done that mod'. Sorry Danny.
  16. Trials Story. Motor-trials was created... Some guy's kid wanted to do it, but wasn't strong or big enough to handle a motorbike, so he modified his BMX so he could do some trials on it. Then it all caught on, Deng was invented, and POW. Here we are!
  17. I like it, it's different to my music style, but it's....relaxing, good background noise.
  18. No he really is, look on the Channel4 website!
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