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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Echo 07. No question. If you need a 36h rim, get the 07 Kris Holm. Wayyy too strong. Haha.
  2. If you were to look at it spinning from the top, it'd be clockwise. Ahh...when I started typing it was anti-clockwise.
  3. Was fairly quiet round here, we just went to the pub...
  4. Deng should make Magura - Vee adapters.
  5. What a day to have a birthday.
  6. Was wandering around the village with a mate, just having a laugh and being bored. Had a little sleep earlier too, due to 4hrs sleep last night, so now i'm wide awake.
  7. Can you not simply get wider arches like on Mini's?
  8. Yeeahh [ 47 ] [50.54%] Not Really [ 46 ] [49.46%] Haha...
  9. That was pretty good! I liked all the adjustable lines with the fork-lift.
  10. Have fun with the many problems of Dengura's. Bike's lush.
  11. BB7's have more adjustment and more power.
  12. We had one of those in Newquay! In Smugglers Haven, if anyone saw water balloons sailing across the feilds.. Few years ago for halloween we climbed onto my garage roof with eggs, flour, and my water gun, and soaked every trick or treater. Didn't get many the following year, this year will be fun though...have a few plans brewing.
  13. Yeeaahh. Blatantly after riding my one for ages at the DJ ride.
  14. Surely if you found them on Tarty' you would've clicked ' Chain Tensioners 20" ' then saw the Snal Cams?
  15. Where's the need for a bashplate on the frame when it has a bashring?
  16. It's one of those 'one man party's' Err..to be on topic. I'd actually forgotten Fostarse is supposed to be Australian.
  17. Nice video. Shame the song's been used before...
  18. I was watching Viva La Bam, now i'm not. Was about to go to bed, but my mate came online, so i'm talking to her.
  19. Ohhhh right, I just figured the stock one would come in Magura/Disc aswell as the mod.
  20. Dan6061


    Damon The Dealing Demon.
  21. I had a nap earlier, and now i'm eating grated cheese in beans.
  22. Dan6061

    Delete Account?

    Pssh..If you don't want us, we don't want you. Never liked you anyway!
  23. So did he just go a little too fast and cut into the corner? - On the wrong side of the road? Didn't quite get that, but it's still made me think. Not that I can get to silly high speeds in my Mini..
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