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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I've never broken a star nut. I can only see them breaking if you over-tighten it with the stem bolts done up, otherwise all it's doing is pulling the forks up to adjust the bearings. So it doesn't need to be tight at all?
  2. I like it. I wish that all trials frames had graphics like the ET24's did, they looked awesome.
  3. Would the chain actually move if you just rolled along? Can't get my head around it..
  4. Just go on that 7dayshop (or whatever it is..someone'll link you) and get a 4GB CF Card for like..£15?
  5. Ah awesome. Comes up with a list for me. If it's supposed to?
  6. Snowed a fair bit round this way too....we had a very mature snowball fight.
  7. I always thought I missed seeing santa when I went to the toilet or something. Damn my bladder.
  8. Avid disk brakes are stupidly good. Both mechanical and hydraulic. I have a BB7 on my mod with a 165mm Hope Gothic rotor, and it's so nice! My friend has the Juicy 5 160mm on his, and it's near enough the same as my BB7. Such impressive brakes, and the look pretty smart too.
  9. Well why wouldn't it be? It's a brake made for trials. Mine's been pretty shitty though. Like the lever decided to eat itself around the lever bolt, and the TPA thread messed itself up too, so the bolt just spins about making no difference to the brake at all. Plus my good bleeds just seem to disapear after a few rides. Go to bleed it again and there's no liquid in it at all.
  10. Geo's similar to the Zoo, but it's not the same. Slightly shorter chainstays that makes them easier and 'flickier' on the back wheel. I don't remember the exact geometry... Why don't you just measure it? BB Height: Measure from the floor the the axles, then from the centre of the BB to the floor. The difference in mm is the BB height. Chainstays: Pretty sure it's from the axle to centre of the BB..? Makes sense to me.
  11. Dan6061


    All but one of the topics has multiple pages...?
  12. Oooh, they're a bit nice!
  13. Print a load off on a normal A4 sheet out so you fit a load of pics on one page, get the scissors out, and wack them in a keyring?
  14. If she's worth you moving to her home-land, then surely she's worth the 2year training so you can do it properly?
  15. Does he shout 'AHHH GAY!' in the second one?
  16. Dan6061

    Gay Test

    Suprised, or depressed?
  17. Dan6061

    Gay Test

    23%. Those questions were stupid.
  18. Yes. Do it. We should a whole 'Trouble' sub-forum for chit-chat. Like Girl trouble, Computer trouble, err...etc.'
  19. The other day at college we went to this 'Safe Drive' thing. Was all about the dangers of drink driving etc. They had individuals coming up to tell us their stories about different things that had happened to them. One example was these two parents lost their son in a bad car accident. They had written letters to their son to clear their heads a bit. There was also a video about these teens that got in a car crash after losing control on an over-take, and crashed. It was all hard-hitting stuff, but your story really brought it to life for me. Watching the video at Safe-Drive put the picture in my head, but it was just like what you see on TV, it was acted out, so didn't seem believable? I know to never drink-drive, but now i'm really thinking twice about speeding. Is the rush really worth it? So well done to you for what you did, I'm sure it will mean so much to the woman's family and friends. It must've taken great courage to stand up and take over the CPR. I can't even imagine what i'd do in that situation. It's heroic that all you could think about was keeping that woman alive. True hero.
  20. Got a pretty big .daa image here that I need to burn, I'm all out of DVD-R/RW's but I have CD-RW's. I was wondering if there's any way of burning it onto two discs? Like a part one/Part two installation? Had a look on Google but just found people asking the same on other forums..and no one replying.
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