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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Dan6061

    Super8 2007

    I really liked that. It certainly was different. Wasn't really a trials video, well, didn't seem it to me. Was more like a weird little video with trials in it... I love the 'old effect' that Super8's give. Makes a change to the normal Hi-Res stuff you usually throw at us.
  2. Yeah, that's cool. I spent ages designing a clamp for my resistant materials GCSE project, and designed a well good one, but I never made it. Haha..don't really remember the design now either.
  3. My thread. I'll post when I like!
  4. BUMP. Just watched the film 'Grandmas Boy' So funny. Now i'm chatting on MSN 'til god knows what time...
  5. I always thought that was for bikes being ridden on roads etc? Not our usual street riding in town centres etc?
  6. Basically, where the lever blade keeps the TPA bolt still, it's made out of cheap/crap metal. So instead of keeping the bolt firmly in place so the TPA bit spins instead of the bolt, it just grinds itself apart, so the bolt will just spin, making the TPA useless. Plus water bleeds just disappear from them, and the original oil bleed my one had as new felt pretty crappy after a month or so.. Can't wait to get my Vee.
  7. We had around 5 in my village, now there's me and Rich. Used to be awesome 'back in the day' go out riding every night on the ol' T-Bird, and ride the pavillon ledge non stop. All being scared to drop off it.
  8. Very 'Top Gear'. Liked the grad filters, and overall filming around the car. Could've given us a few more angles around the car instead of the front passenger side, but other then that, can't fault it at all. Was really interesting to watch.
  9. Just take it in and say 'Can I just borrow some tools quickly so I can sort this out?' If they're nice enough, they'll lend you the tools for free. We used to in Halfords anyway, saved us doing it. £50 though! I bet he didn't have a clue what you were on about, so he just made up a figure to make you go away.
  10. Dan6061


    lol. Apple knew that people would be able to crack it, so they just said 'Yeah, well..crack it and you don't get your warrenty. So ner!'
  11. Dan6061


    Bye bye Mr. Warrenty if you do crack it. Let's face it, you will need it if it's anything like the iPods...
  12. Dan6061


    If in doubt, give it a clout.
  13. They both look so good... But I like blue so...
  14. I don't think Dave even cares...haha.
  15. Dan6061

    Day Time Tf

    I'm in colege. Teacher sent me away to go do work in the media suite for other lessons..but i'm just dossing. Haha.
  16. Just read some reviews on this..they seem to be pretty crappy. Probably why it's that price.
  17. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/wiki/Fixing_...ra_lazy_pistons
  18. SMB Bearings - http://www.smbbearings.com/ No online ordering though, but they're seriously cheap/good.
  19. Dan6061

    Adam Bessell

    Never thought anyone would ride those rails in MK.
  20. Dan6061

    Ot:random Guy

    Anyone do that gap by the steps? Top ball to bottom one?
  21. Not much snow though... Good pictures.
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