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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Been on msn, and changing my Myspace profile.
  2. Nice one! Ooh, also.. can we get something in our profile's too that shows our videos? (if we have any...) Like the posts/topics thing...but videos?
  3. I don't wanna change mine, it just wouldn't feel right...
  4. Looks too fresh! Go out and scratch it...
  5. and 'PENIS' on the other side...
  6. Bit white isn't it? Love those bikes.
  7. Wont stay white for long... trust me.
  8. Was at my Dad's 'til about 10:45ish...then I finished sorting my V out ( ) now i'm just Trials-Foruming and on MSN...
  9. 2007 Kris Holm rim. Here: http://www.unicycle.uk.com/shop/shopdispla...p?catalogid=883
  10. Dan6061

    Toni Bou

    Ah wow, Billy Talent in a trials video! Song is called 'Line & Sinker' for anyone that cares.
  11. Play Skate on PS3 at my mates all the time. My god it's a good game! So realistic...well, more than Tony Hawks. Not everywhere is skate-able, and you have to ollie up kerbs etc..which can get annoying. Played Assasins Creed aswell, and that game's immense! Graphics are outstanding. New NeedForSpeed's pretty good too. Got it on PS2.
  12. Can we get a search function for the videos?
  13. Yep, you will. If not...don't blame me.
  14. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryAwesome! Payed quickly, easy to deal with. A****** Given By: Dan6061 You were the: Buyer Date: 1197117677
  15. I can't afford a new one though... There must be a reason why it's doing it? Can't find anything off Google about it...
  16. Balls. EDIT: "3rd Place - Any Echo, ZOO or GU fork: Glen from London (Receipt number 12136)." Holy shit, is that fatty?!
  17. Dan6061

    Picture War

    Yeah but...look what happened!
  18. I think we all find out wether we've won or not at 8pm..?
  19. Oooh.. I just guessed you'd already rang up etc?
  20. Meh, I thought he was quite funny?
  21. Ooh, that's in MK! How often do you ride there? Oh, bike looks alright too.
  22. Don't need the receipt do we?
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