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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Was going to have an 'early night' but once again, i've failed. Found the really hot girl in my english class on Bebo. Shame she doesn't have Myspace... (I deleted my Bebo...) Also a great shame she's taken..haha. - Click. Oh, she's 18 too..so it's safe for Mr. Poopipe. Damn though!
  2. Did Trial..... I won't. Just more conspiricy theory's that will never be proved 100%. We'll never truely understand out universe, as it's out of out capabilities to travel all of it to find out what else there is.
  3. Never seen anyone fall off like that after a drop.
  4. Finally finished my English coursework. Was in for last week, but I had time off because I was ill. Was going to do it after last lesson when I said I'd forgotten them, but typical me, I did them at 11pm the night before it's due in.
  5. I replace my chain when I feel like it? - Which isn't very often. When it snaps, I just replace the link...simple.
  6. Dan6061

    Partz 10!

    Hi-Def Partz? I liked that. You can see your progression in all of your videos. Damn I miss Wales for riding...
  7. Onzaboymark had it for a while... Then Onza decided to scrap the dropped 'stays idea due to clearance in comp's or something? Was basically for a new chain tension idea (where a bolt pushes the axle/wheel back, and so you don't have to split the chain...
  8. Dan6061


    Bad feedback for him? Or just forget about it, and sell it to someone that will buy it?
  9. I'm about the same really... Earlier I ate a pretty big dinner, and was stuffed until about 5-10mins later when I was hungry again.
  10. As soon as I get some money again then i'd definatly donate whatever I can. I read all of his posts about his project, and couldn't wait until it was finished.
  11. Oli's Mini will be awesome.
  12. Yup. There's 2 crossovers in the picture, on the sides of the long hose, so i'm guessing you do?
  13. What more can he do though? He sent them, and has the reciept... I see what you're saying about poor contact though.
  14. I get manuel dreams. Must be something that every rider wants to be able to do...forever? I suck at manuels..I always seem to tilt when I try them.
  15. 36h - 2007 Kris Holm. 32h - 2007 Echo rim. Both the same widths, and made out the same materials...everything. haha. Awesome rims! KH is eyelitted too.
  16. Yeah, you must be brave for facing it. I know I wouldn't be able to. As 'Mr Fish' said above, stay strong.
  17. Dan6061


    Mum said the other day that she heard that they were going to stop doing nativity plays due to out 'multi-cultural' nation.
  18. Dan6061


    Too many long posts to read... Anyway, I don't understand johova's and those people we get in Oxford shouting religous crap at everyone. Surely if we wanted to follow a certain religion then we'd chose to do it ourselves? I don't see why they think they can simply 'convert you' by telling us about what some bloke with a beard did. There's been many great people in the world that many helped many, but we don't go following everything they do/say...
  19. Not forgetting the Deng frame...
  20. Oh how I love my V brake.
  21. *** and biscuits Had to test it... What if we're on about Frank The Welder? "yeah, i got a frame by ***. it's well good!"
  22. Was just thinking, it's really good how close this forum is. Even though a few of us met him, everyone is still deeply saddened by the news.
  23. The search didn't work for me earlier... ...yeah, I click it an nothing happens.
  24. Oh man, that really sucks. Kind of met him at the DJ ride in Abingdon, he was chatting to one of my mates and I joined in. Seemed such a nice guy on here to, especially helping everyone out in the Mini thread. RIP Oli.
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