I managed 5 blue pallets once, and kept it on top. That's my personal record.. I sidehop weird though, left foot forward, and up to the left... So tucking's a bit retarded. Haha. Once you've got your own technique sorted, it's all about having the balls to go bigger, which is what I can't seem to get... Just try and spend less time on the backwheel before you pre-load for the sidehop. When I faff about on the backwheel I get tired then mess up the rest... So just concentrate on actually going for the sidehop. The longer you spend looking at it the scarier it'll get. From watching videos of myself sidehopping, I go up to the front wheel, then bring the back end in to land it. I don't even realise I do it, but it seems to work... Can't think of anything else to add really, apart from the obvious; Practise!