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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. If it doesn't rub on the frame then don't worry about it? My tyres have always done that... never bothered me!
  2. Could you still run low pressures this way? I've never really looked into it...
  3. Violets are red, Roses are blue, I'm colourblind.
  4. Dan6061

    Billocks New Vid

    Such an animal! Remember meeting him back in '07 when he had his Monty. Mental litte lad!
  5. Been stealing my pictures off Facebook!? Haha. When we made our stuff, we just came up with ideas on the spot, and just nailed it all together. Get an idea of what you need to practice doing, and just see what you come up with!
  6. I'd find a small nut that fits onto the TPA bolt, and just nip it up when you've got it set up. Saves getting threadlock everywhere!
  7. So would that caliper happily work on an adapter? If so: Waaaaaa i want them instead of my IS mounts!
  8. Yes Edd, that was a sweet video! I still get amazed by what you can do on them.
  9. A friend of mine, Jack Westhead, came out with us one Sunday in Daventry, and got some pictures and filmed some of the riding. He edited the video himself. I'm on the blue Rockman mod.
  10. Cheers boys. I don't usually ride natural, this is just a little spot on the outskirts of Milton Keynes that we came across. Made a change from the same old street we often ride! Expect a street video on my Rockman soon(ish)!
  11. Could be the bottom bracket too. Most likely going to be the freewheel though by the sounds of things. I'd imagine it's locked itself up as you were pedalling. You never know though! Either strip it down yourself, or get your local bike shop/bike know-it-all to give it a go.
  12. I never posted pictures of my Monty. After cracking my Neon, I bought the 221pr frame second hand as a temporary frame until I found something more suited to me. Whilst out riding in Milton Keynes back in late summer, we started filming a few lines. I'd completely forgotten about this footage until I stumbled upon it on a memory card! So yeah, here's what I made out of it. Let me know what you think! I feel that I've improved a fair bit since this was made. I'm aiming to make more videos this year! And to actually use the forum a lot more.
  13. Dan6061

    Dob Rims

    I had the new DOB magnesium rims on my mod.They were rubbish! Cracked very quickly. I even put a hole in the inner wall with a tyre lever when I was fitting my tyre!
  14. Mine took a lot of fiddling, patience, swearing, playing around with different washers... Push the pistons all the way in, use a flat head screwdriver and push one pad onto the other to push the piston in. Then put in the selected washers to get the caliper sat so the rotor is central. Then pump the lever, see if the pads hit it square, and if it rubs. I had to keep doing that, until I got the combination of washers. Even took a file to the mounts on my frame as I am yet to get it faced! Had to do this for the front and rear disc too! Just take your time with it. Also make sure the rotor and pads aren't contaminated.
  15. I've had 4 stocks and my mod, with 2 people in my A4 estate. Could've fitted another 2 bikes on top too!
  16. Change of plans! Now working on the 27th instead of tomorrow! (W)In. Plan with the local lot is to get there sometime between 11 and 1. We're an organised bunch...
  17. Yeah... I don't do hooks!
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