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Everything posted by forteh
Why would you buy a massively overpriced GPU from eBay?
There's always one! Perhaps I should have added the caveat about necro bumps by spambots
I wonder what the record is for the oldest necropost on here? edit: who deleted the spambot necro!
Anyone got any recommendations for repairing ECUs? Looks like the one on our sprinter has failed
Elbows above the desk helps a lot as well, I've got a yoyodesk at work and it's really good for the back and posture. About 12 years ago I thought I had RSI/carpal tunnel because my thumb had gone numb and I'd lost the strength to click mouse buttons with my fingers, tried all the wrist rests and adjustments you can think of to no avail. Got a physio appointment and they gave me some exercises which also did nothing. Got given a back massage by my (then) girlfriends aunt and she asked how long it had been since I had dislocated my shoulder? I wasn't aware I had dislocated my shoulder but I had fallen backwards on a straight arm and jarred it, I had probably sublaxed it and then popped it back in; this was a couple of months previous. She popped a few lumps below the shoulder blade and my hand strength returned within days. Might be someting to consider, hand issues can often be caused by nerves affected in the shoulder
I'm with zen as well, 49 a month for 160mbit with no bandwidth caps or silly contention. It's rock solid
Yeah, Persie fangirled quite a bit as well, but then they played and rode together for 3 hours and shared unicorn birthday cake in the van postride and all was well
I don't use cordless but I do still use the Bosch pistol drill that my dad got me for my 15th birthday, similarly I also have a 20+ year old Makita pistol drill (inherited off my dad). I had a Ryobi jigsaw and it was ok, but then I picked up a Bosch pro one (again inherited) and it's worlds apart, so much smoother and accurate. Completely not the question you wanted answered but if you're buying tools buy cheap but twice at least.
303 is bloody lovely, really well sorted bike and absolutely mint condition barring a couple of very small scrapes. I think she might have put more on it from the first ride over Cannock this afternoon with Daisy who was travelling back home to brizzle with her mum and popped in for a ride https://instagram.com/pint_size_cyclist?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
So Persphone is 7 on Thursday and she appears to be growing again because her frog52 is now looking rather cramped! I accidentally a whole whyte303 for 250 quid, collecting it on Thursday evening, got to drive a couple of hours up the M6 to Leyland but that's not too much hassle
I think a decent epoxy floor paint is sufficient
Yeah, I went down onto my right kneecap on one of those things, infrapatellar bursitis is not comfortable
Because our dave is a beefybeefcakeâ„¢ that needs such a structure to support his atlas like physique?
Looks like 2016 but they have a 2022 single so suspect there might be a new one this year
That's it, meshuggah are on Spotify tomorrow. I have a broken solidworks toolbox at work that I need to fix and angry music sounds are needed Been listening to coheed and cambria a lot recently, worth a listen if you like prog rock.
I had a balloon explode whilst blowing it up, a whipping tail end hit me in the eye and badly scratched the cornea. Went and got it checked at minor injuries and they gave me some ointment to keep it lubricated. Spent a day not being about to look at any light and it was fixed after that. The eyeballs heal stupendously quickly but really annoying because it prevents you do lots of things.
Also do not clamp/cut the cord or let them do it until the umbilical has stopped pulsing completely. That's your baby's blood, it belongs in your baby, don't deny it a fairly essential thing to start life off with!
Water birth relieves a huge amount of weight off the mother so it's easier to get the oxytocin going. Oxytocin is the main birth hormone that the body uses to do the whole relaxing and pain relief bit, stress reduces it so the more comfortable you are the more oxytocin. We home birthed Persephone and Aneurin with no drugs, just a quiet, comfortable dark room with no stress and the birth pool at the right temperature. Three hours and two hours labour respectively, P was 9lb 1/2 oz and A was 10lb 9 Oz. We freebirthed A completely and only phoned the midwives after he was born. If you have someone fussing over you in order to complete a tick box checklist (which unfortunately is what midwives* mostly do ) then the stress levels build, oxytocin drops and it all goes tits up. *Not all midwives are like this but there is still a lot who stick to the old 50s NHS training of a very rigid birth routine. Some of them, particularly younger ones are really progressive and more willing to go with the flow. If you're interested in the home birth or even at alternatives to being strapped screaming to a hospital bed then find a local doula and they will be able to help a huge amount If you want any further insights, hit us up. edit: oh and home birth? What are hospitals full of? Infections that you're not used to, stay at home and minimise the infection risk. If things are going wrong then blue light in. Plan it from the start and be aware that EVERYTHING is your choice and they cannot make you do anything.
That's some impressive stamina Mike, no wonder you were so knackered on the brecon beast! oh right, I see, not 11 years constant.... Four bits of advice - home/water birth, attachment parenting, baby wearing and cloth nappies Oh and weleda calendula nappy cream, that shit is the bomb
Gotta work on the dad bod now Congrats again!
Yeah I've heard the name ebac but not looked into them, it would appear that only a few companies still split the drum to allow bearing replacement. Pulled the old bearings and seal out this morning, went and got replacements from the local engineering supply and set about cleaning the drum up before putting them back in. A YouTube video had suggested using gorilla glue to stick the two halves back together but this one is polypropylene so all but impossible to glue. Bolted the cut flange back together with about 20 M5 screws and nylocks and then welded the joint shut with an old soldering iron. Tested it with a couple of gallon of water as a drip test and all seems to be water tight. Just finished putting it back together and run a rinse and spin cycle though and all sweet as a nut and back to being virtually silent again Total cost, just over 35 quid. How long it lasts is anyone's guess I think it'll be ok as long as there isn't a massive out of balance load. The concrete balance weights are attached to the front and back sections of the drum hence if there's loads of movement then it'll be stressing the weld rather a lot. Time will tell.
So the washing machine has been getting noisy on the spin cycle of late, seal has obviously failed and washed the grease out of the inner bearing. Outer bearing is perfect and the drum is rock solid with no movement so now is the ideal time to pop new bearings in. It's 7-8 years old and has been washing nappies all of its life so to be fair it's done incredibly well. Except f**k you beko, what tosser though it was a good idea to weld the two halves of the plastic outer drum together so you cannot get the inner drum out to replace bearings. 140 quid for an entire drum assembly and throw the entire thing away.... Bollocks to that, the machine might go pop next week so we're not going to spend 140 quid on a new drum. Enter Mr hacksaw, after 3 hours of sawing I now have the inner drum out, ready to get new seal and bearings tomorrow. What a bloody ridiculous design, it appears to be rife with most of the manufacturers now Aneurin helped me with a spare hacksaw blade converted into a padsaw with some cardboard and masking tape for a handle
Extension shell is all closed up, plumber came and routed the boiler flue up through the roof this afternoon and I've started to put the new back door in. Shame that since we took the mortgage out for the build, the cost of materials has tripled and the naked shell has blown the budget entirely edit: there is no chance of me changing career to be a door fitter! Frame went in lovely and square but after I'd packed it out I realised that the bottom catch side of the door was sticking proud of the frame and the lock hooks wouldn't engage without a bit of a shove. After much f**kery I needed to trim 10mm off the nose of the sill on the catch side and pack the hinge side up by 3mm. Door now closes sweet as a nut, all finishes square and flush and the locks engage properly Also covered in expanding foam ...