I bailed a small dropgap yesterday (stairset about 4 foot high and 6 foot gap) and landed heavily, flat on my right foot. The whole leg went numb for 10 mins or so and I sat it out till I could move and put weight on the leg again. I could walk with slight pain in the heel of my foot and carried on riding (although very carefully) for an hour or so before going home. Last night the pain got a little worse, I can walk on it but only if I walk on the outside edge of the foot; putting weight on the foot flat hurts, as does supporting weight on the ball or heel of the foot. I have complete movement of the ankle without any pain or stiffness, I can also press hard onto the bottom of my heel with my hand without any pain. This morning its no worse but also no better, going to talk to the doctor tonight if I can but knowing the NHS they will get it wrong Any thoughts?