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Everything posted by forteh

  1. My bikes 100% non deng ner ner
  2. If you cant get a linear slik or similar then an oversized gear outer and a normal brake cable works
  3. Probably isnt My tyre is lighter though And less grippy
  4. Just trying to get your front wheel as light as mine Looks nice, like those forks Keep the bar plug though, I can show you the photos and scar if you really want
  5. Speak to tartybikes and get a set of sapim race spokes, use a decent spoke key and jobs a good un
  6. There is loads of small stuff to play on, literally you can see a small line anywhere you look Signposts to each section would be handy, otherwise you could end up walking for ages to not find one of the trials specific sections; fortunately being a quarry there are rocks all over the place. There are some lowish (about 12-18") high rails that you can hop to and from, alot of them are sloping though to compound the issue if its wet; theyre also not really in a row so you can hop rail to rail. Im pretty sure its a hire car job as I dont think there is a railway at bacup, you also need to know where youre meant to be driving to. Easiest if you can hook up with someone who knows.
  7. Member for 2 years and you havent read the rules yet? tut tut
  8. Whilst you have access to a lathe, why cant you face the disk tabs down on the hub by 3mm? Aslong as you have 1 diameter thread depth on the screw you should be ok, rotor bolts are usually M5 so aslong as you have a 5mm thick disk tab you should be fine If that isnt an option just take all of the material off the drive side so that the the disk tabs are still in their normal position relative to the caliper mounts, will have to redish the wheel slightly.
  9. I bailed a small dropgap yesterday (stairset about 4 foot high and 6 foot gap) and landed heavily, flat on my right foot. The whole leg went numb for 10 mins or so and I sat it out till I could move and put weight on the leg again. I could walk with slight pain in the heel of my foot and carried on riding (although very carefully) for an hour or so before going home. Last night the pain got a little worse, I can walk on it but only if I walk on the outside edge of the foot; putting weight on the foot flat hurts, as does supporting weight on the ball or heel of the foot. I have complete movement of the ankle without any pain or stiffness, I can also press hard onto the bottom of my heel with my hand without any pain. This morning its no worse but also no better, going to talk to the doctor tonight if I can but knowing the NHS they will get it wrong Any thoughts?
  10. Sorry I missed it but was waaay too drunk on saturday night Went for a ride in lichfield, very hungover and I think Ive broken me foot cause it now hurts lots
  11. If I make it tomorrow I will try to remember to bring the sd7 lever for gingerman Adam, will you have your phone on you as I suspect I wont get there till 12-1, will ring you to find out where you are.
  12. Depending on hangover (my mates 30th tomorrow) I may be attending though might be late, will ring you if I cant make 11
  13. Would like to try riding a comp but time and money constraints are the limiting factor for me
  14. My entire stock bike weighs 8.88kg (19.5lbs) at its current lightest. Off the top of my head the front wheel/tyre is 1kg, the rear is 1.8kg and the frame/forks/brakes etc comes to 6-7kg I think. I found the biggest weight savers were the mgti pedals and the titanium BB, taking the dual ply maxxis off and going to a narrower rim saved 650g off the rear wheel
  15. Hope square taper titanium BB is the best, none of these silly splines to reck your cranks Less than 200g aswell
  16. Both a bit drastic, best angle of attack is to get a wide based sprocket (which you should have anyways if youre using alloy driveshell) and a 2nd chain whip. Put both sprockets on the driveshell and use the chainwhips in opposite directions to pull out the dug in sprocket, slide them off and very carefully file any digs smooth with a needle file
  17. ^ his brake is uber stiff and rather good Im using an RB lever which has the same sort of leverage as the 4 finger and the brake is pretty spongey but I have a very flexy (titanium) frame and a tiny small booster. Get one but just be prepared to put a 2bolt booster on if youre not running one now.
  18. Guess the wax is used in the same way as waxing surfboards, cant see it being as good as a decent light grind
  19. Got photos of when I applecored the top of my leg/groin with my handlebars, got bruises, stitches and blood all at the same time
  20. Awesome day and a great introduction to how scary natural can be Weather was perfect, brakes were perfect (thanks to bigman and his grinder), I learnt about free range chicken farming and milking cows Bummer about kyle exploding his hub after 20 mins (having driven to porthcawl and back without riding the day before ) Get up there, its well worth a trip.
  21. As the RS8s are xc cranks they are not covered for trials use like the RS7s. My personal crankset/BB is RS7s with heatsink cloud9 and hope titanium BB; light and strong although you cant buy the hope BBs anymore I guess the lightest you could go for would be tryall or trialtech cranks with a screw on sprocket with one of the decent titanium BBs (if you can get the spindle long enough).
  22. For mod then I would go DD, quiet brakes are so nice to ride with I had DD on my stock for a while and while the rear brake (185 BB7) was nice and quiet with reasonable bite the hold was appalling Back to maggie on the back and putting up with the occasional honking
  23. Go pick up muel Im hoping to learn alot from this ride, probably that Im crap on natural :$
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