Hello everyone,
I am looking for a new guitar, not too sure what I want, been out of the scene for a few years, quite a few brands I have never heard of before out there.
I played for about 7 years before I went to Uni about 5 years ago, took my guitar somewhere and lost it. (Devo!) Previously owned a mahogany wood Yamaha Pacifica, very basic guitar, but sounded alright. Is it worth going to the expense of a Gibson Les Paul or can I get away with something a little less pricey?
I enjoyed playing back in the day, but never had the time, finally I do, but no guitar I used to enjoy playing the rock school songs, so around grade 6 level. so that means a guitar that is nice for pissing about with and quickly flicking the strings but can also take a thrashing. My Pacifica had a double humbucker and I did like that, but never really knew if it was essential.
I'm sure there are some Guru's on this forum. Some advice required please, I am open to budget, but would prefer to spend about £500 considering i'm not sure how much I will use in the future.
Any of the ones here worth considering?
Any others please give me a point the right direction.
Cheers, Ash
PS Also Vaguely considering Bass guitars, but I have no idea where to start with that, so again some advice would be nice.