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Everything posted by JoNnY__Mc

  1. yeah best of internet would be a better idea... but... why did the smaller midget keep going back for more even though he got knocked down each time? that my freinds, is heart
  2. Danny --> the mini bmx --> edit... that 180 gap :|... don't think i could even do that straight
  3. bens point is valid... as are all of yours... trials is an expensive sport, koxx are an expensive company, but for the spec of the bike and the quality of the components i think its a good deal... you compare it with monty etc its the same story
  4. good man!!! alot of control and style for a young guy! keep up the good work
  5. that was legendary thanks for sharing, i was really impressed by the amount of control he had over the bike, even though by todays standards the bike is far from trialsy. put this guy on an ashton or echo control... then see how good he would be
  6. hey lads... if everyone/anyones still going... rim and spokes still havent come... will have to be there on bmx now
  7. I really hate to be a bitch on the forum, but honestly... I'm pretty sure if you searched this topic would come up about 50 times with the exact same answers everytime... if your really that bothered about peoples colour schemes... look in the bike pictures thread rant over... On topic, red and silver with black frame
  8. JoNnY__Mc


    nice one scopse revenge is sweet ManxTrialSpaz that is priceless!!!!!!!!
  9. Best going for a hope, but anything like an echo etc from tart would be great for you and I think they can be run with fun bolts to keep the weight down I don't know if you wanna know about rims too, but I have just bought a mavic d321, abit wider and abit heavier than a d521 both are good light rims for the front.
  10. cool project sounds like you have considered all the problems and found resolutions wonder how it will ride does looks mega so far... for some reason it does seem to suit the role of a mod frame pretty well... someone make a mod out of a 1100 marc vinco or gu!!!!
  11. il be there if: - its on sunday - im not too nackered - i can get a lift from dan - the weathers good
  12. cool pics mate didnt know there was much of a trials scene in brazil, its good to see what parts are handmade??? some of those frames look cool as, what are they?? you must post some pictures in bike pics, and i hope to see a vid soon!!! cheers for sharing
  13. Get out and ride Stop being a wimp and tell him to f**k off
  14. good riding good tune nice bike nice vid cheers for sharing
  15. nice vid mate, style looks better than the last one
  16. the vid was good, but iv bin watching "Rad 1986 BMX Movie" for about 10 minutes now
  17. You can buy 131 ones I think... possibley longer, but how long they last I dont know
  18. Good pics there mate, looks like you have some skills too hope to see a vid soon???
  19. Tuck your trousers into your socks on the driveside Easy as pie really
  20. Really sorry to say this mate, I have actually replied to a topic asking the exact same thing already today Posting pointless topics like this will not get you validated!! Its your money and your bike, can you not decide on your own??? ... Regarding spokes - ring tartybikes, they will be able to tell you what spoke length you need if you tell them the hub/rim you will be using
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