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Everything posted by JoNnY__Mc

  1. oh yes!!!! i forgot about them :|
  2. KHE or another kmc seeing as its lasted you 6 months... just replace it every 3/4 months and youll be fine
  3. Strawberry but to be fair... il eat any of them... a more fitting topic would be favourite icecream/icelolly... if it was, magnum ***!!! or... them solero things... :|Z oh my god... summer is here
  4. Hey... don't know if theres many people on this forum that enjoy this "genre" of music, but i have been watching mtv dance and Q the past few days and they have bin playing some great tunes. so... for you, what are your favourite club/dance tunes that go well with the beer, women and dancing on those summer nights out in town? please list the artist and title ...
  5. i hope to attend reckon i can get a lift with you edd???
  6. JoNnY__Mc

    My Ride

    This is how blake should have set his up... Looks very very nice... Liking the new colour scheme loads I dunno why but I think it would look even better with some of those huge easton riser bars that everyone seems to put on 24"s now, they look GOOOOD. btw... what do you use on your grass???
  7. Nice video good controlled smooth riding your a3 looked good, your team looks even better
  8. That looks really nice!!!! them tensioners are pretty bad from my experience, either get a fresh or use a mech
  9. managed to fix up my brake today, so will be riding leicester tomorrow if anyones up for it
  10. JoNnY__Mc

    Demo Soon

    silly things like one hander drops, 180's, 360's and nose hops are the types of things that you want to do at demos
  11. that colour looks great, how much it cost you??? your gonna cry when you scratch it
  12. get some daylight shots i bet it looks even better in the day
  13. I might be heading down to liverpool sometime this week... and stopping ther for a few days to go round all the hot spots round there eg preston, blackpool, leeds... will post up later this week to see if anyones interested!
  14. good riding there, pitty the quality was bad...
  15. Proper old school! Thanks for sharing that, I hadnt seen it before... It's nice to see all these vids to see the progression of trials! Should make a thread specifically for vids like these
  16. blimey... you seem to be improving all the time!!! so much progression, i remember watching one of your earlier vids and thinking that you had something about your riding that was natural. do you find that the sponsorship has made you go bigger and not have to worry about your bike breaking? good vid mate nice one, can't wait to see the next
  17. ofcourse because your well ard
  18. I would love to test them, onza ronnie brand new rim (so no grind) Also I will be able to give a good measure of how much hold they have because I am quite heavy at 14 stone
  19. Commitment, Brazil isn't the richest of countrys, but these guys are making do with what the have and are pulling off some sick (what the hell would you call them?) nose manuals *-) Wonder where Danny Macaskill gets his ideas from cheers for sharing
  20. yeah brum 3 weeks running??? can't be that bad, if my brakes working and i get the leicester lot to come... il be there
  21. Mate you are a f**king beast I will edit when I have actually watched it EDIT: BEASTY MATE, ENJOYED THAT QUITE ABIT LOADSA BIG MOVES, oh my god THAT DROP GAP FROM THE TELEPHONE BOX TO THE PLANT POT!!!! NICELY DONE LAD
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