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Everything posted by JoNnY__Mc

  1. Sounds REALLY nice Be sure to post pics up when its updated!
  2. Wow thats abit different Looks good front end looks very high though? Whats the wheelbase?
  3. That is SO nice :$ Look below if your a weight weenie! BUT Can easily be made lighter aswell by changing the: zoo bar and stem to monty headset to tensile or other, bb to tryall, cranks to tryall, ditch back hub for ffw set up, front hub to non disk, rims for monty,Lighter vee arms and lever and change the tyres to tryall!
  4. Good to see you have your bike sorted! Looks really nice aswell, red hubs are so nice! ride soon
  5. Look for an echo pure like Rowans? Alternatively if you can't find one, try one of the ashton frames or maybe a base ta26!
  6. Looks nice that, I have a soft spot for adamant a2s :$
  7. Haha mint, "Don't do it, it's not worth it!!"
  8. They both just look so fit :$ You've worked hard for them so enjoy them both! I think you should give me one so I can ride natural with you
  9. Looks fit :| Looks like a bargain aswell, whats the spec?
  10. Cheers to everyone for the advice, specially Danny for his detailed guide! After a quick play tonight I found the answer to Problem 2! The springs in the arms have been overly stretched which makes the brake very hard to pull at the lever! To fix this I undone the small screws all the way so that they dont affect the spring tension, I then bent the springs back so that they are springy enough to only just return the arms/lever back to where they should be. I then used the small screws again to tweak the brake so that both pads are even distances from the rim and so they both hit at the same time! This made the brake feel MUCH MUCH lighter at the lever. I also screwed out the barrel adjuster on the lever to pull the cable tighter. Problem 2 seems to be sorted, and I am unsure as to whether it has fixed Problem 1 at the same time because I cannot go out and test it. I will look at sorting out Problem 1 tomorrow and also tweak it more. Once again thanks to everyone for their help and input. More updates tomorrow!
  11. Cheers I will take everyones advice and have a good proper look at it, some time and effort will probably get it running better! Thanks to everyone for the advise!
  12. If I rode comps, and I wanted the best frame on the market then YES. If I rode street and wanted it to last more than 6 months then NO.
  13. I already told you what I think on msn :$ Looks so nice! Get us a pic of both lites together
  14. Cheers for your advice, I will look out for one in the classifieds. Seems to be right from my experience Didn't mean to ignore you, will do when I get some dollar.
  15. Problem 1: But why will it have gone so bad, It worked amazingly like 2 weeks ago Problem 2: Not sure, Phil helped me do it... but it IS all smooth... Come to think of it it really could be the noodle, I will buy a new one from somewhere I reckon I get the feeling it might be the arms... They have got gradually worse since I rode leeds and the pin things snapped. Really not sure because the cable isn't tight (it looks to be slack) when the brake is at rest/isn't pulled I thought it should look tight at all times... but when I adjust the little screws on the arms so that the cable looks tighter, the brake feels even harder to pull. I hope that makes sense!
  16. Heyup, firstly im using: sd7 lever sd7 arms coustsink vee pads heatsink adaptors clarks cable echo 07 rim with sharp grind Problem 1# BRAKE SLIPS GOING FORWARD When I first set my vee brake up it worked really well straight away! Had loads of bite, lock and made a nice noise going backwards and forwards. After a couple of weeks the grind worn and the brake made less noise and started to slip abit going forwards, but NEVER going backwards. Sometimes the brake slipping meant me falling backwards. To try to combat this problem I reground my wheel with a nice sharp grind and made sure the pads were set up straight and so they hit the rim at the same time. Some of the noise come back and the brake worked abit better, but then after a few rides the same problem has returned, and it feels as if the grind has worn really quickly again (even though its still sharp). I really have no idea what I can do, I don't see the point in regrinding the wheel because the grind on it is only a few days old, and the pads are less than a month old. So what is the problem here? It works REALLY well going backwards and then works terribly going forwards. Problem 2# BRAKE FEELS SHIT When I first set my vee brake up I used an older sd7 lever and a really crap cable I made up from a combination of a tescos outer and some random makro bike inner. I worked really well straight away, very light at the lever and very stiff. On my first proper ride one of the pins snapped in the spring/arms which I then bodged using peice of allen key. Worked well after that. I then had to order a new lever and cable from tart because my finger was hurting from using the lever I first used. When it come the lever felt really smooth and easy to pull and the cable also. But when fitted to the bike the whole set up felt hard to pull and not nice at all (felt like a really poorly oil bled maggie with sticky pistons). The brake is oiled and greased in the right places so I can't work out why it feels like it does. The combination of these two problems makes me want to go back to a magura... for the amount of money I have spent on this set up, It should work and feel better. Any help and suggestions would really be apreciated. Cheers Jonny. Edit: spelling
  17. JoNnY__Mc

    More Tra Video!

    That was amazing :|
  18. JoNnY__Mc

    Base Ta26

    Thats FIT, I want one
  19. Mint, I LOVE your riding, really can't wait till the full vid
  20. I'll beleive it when I see it!
  21. Since when have you bin able to sidehop and that looks massive :|
  22. Some really good advise there Exactly what I was going to put!
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