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Everything posted by JoNnY__Mc

  1. Valid idea, so like a receipt in a way?? People can still lie and say they haven't received the money etc
  2. Congrats on winning the Raffle mate Bike looks different with all those colours I also have a Zoo Pitbull 07, is yours the long?? I hope you bring a video out on this soon as I loved your last video!
  3. They should bring them back out in yellow, but I bet they will be the original colour! Are they making them in vee backings too??
  4. Cheers for everyones advice lads Very much apreciated
  5. Might come, won't be there till like half 1/2 though... Unless theres a time they stop letting people in???
  6. How much is it to get in??? Worth coming on a trials bike???
  7. Right lads, I haven't really followed this thread much so far, but I have always wanted to be a part of it. I feel like its about time I start looking after my body more and trying to get back into shape. I'm starting gym on Monday hopefully. I'm 5ft 10ish and 13stone 10 with a waist size of 34". I used to box for a good few years but then had to stop due to college comitments etc, and I have also had a go at using freeweights last summer. Having said this I have never really known what to do If that makes sense at all and am abit of a noob... So really I don't know what else to put, but if anyone could give me some tips on what I should be doing etc when I start at the gym then that would be greatly appreciated. Any advice you think I would find useful please post up, this can include your own workout or diet tips.
  8. Really good, amazing smooth controlled style and riding Music went really well, bit different to what people usually use in videos and I really liked it Cant wait till the next!
  9. Beast pics as per usual mate I want to have a go on your set up
  10. Happy Birthday mate Hope you have a great day!! I'll have to buy you a drink or something when you come to Liverpool
  11. Neco reds on a smooth rim So good I use them on both my front and rear vees
  12. It's clear hes got alot of talent for his age, and is at a decent level of riding. Just a shame that the camera if was filmed with is such poor quality, I'm assuming it was a phone?? Congrats on the sponsor, but if your want to help promote the shop more then film your next video on a decent video camera
  13. Same as me then I tried a few different set ups on mine when I had it, I think the mad/pazzaz stem I told you about would help abit with your back troubles, but my favourite stem set up on my zenith was an Echo hifi 130 x 15 stem
  14. I suggest the Saracen Mad or Pazzaz stem (exactly the same apart from logo) I think they are 120 x 20. Hope you find something you like, how tall are you??
  15. Can't wait to see you back out on a back mate Has clarky got any clips of me from leeds ride?
  16. Well hopefully they will be the same near me, I will still be coming so long as they arrive, will be abit late so I will ring you and then you all up!! Don't drink too many!!! Cya tomorrow mate
  17. I wish I still lived in Leicester such a mint place to ride!! Hope you have a good ride, be sure to get some pics or video footage!!!
  18. Fooking brake pads didn't come today like I had hoped, I will still be coming so long as my pads come tomorrow, just depends on what time they come Postman didn't come till 2 today
  19. Quite a good idea mate, I know I have found the search abit useless from time to time... and then someone somehow finds a link to a topic you should ahve found before you posted a new one... Is there a way of bookmarking a topic for yourself??
  20. Sound, I'm sure I will find you either way Haha same with mine... the weight is holding me down, can't sidehop or owt now...
  21. :$ I will edit it now lol
  22. Bike looks perfect :$ I think black bars would finish it off though
  23. Paramore!!! Not a bad effort, next time I would say to not use the naff title pages, and use something abit less cheesey, I find the "basic title" or "subtitle" effect looks much better than the one you used, try to use a black background, white font and decent/professional font. Keep it up
  24. Where is moorfields station? :$ Might be up or sunday, depends if I bottle out on something on saturday and decide to go back and do it on sunday
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