I'm genuinely blown away by that video, music was f**king immense and the riding was at such a high level, thanks so much for sharing On topic, I would think you should be able to do streety moves on a zoo, all depends on the set up you choose. I would look at something like monty bar and a high stem as I think this would help with bunny hops and other 'streety' moves. Another idea is to look at the shorter frames, maybe a python is the only option, but is it the shorter length the frame is available in??? If not maybe look at one of the Monty frames, short koxx levelboss or a dob frame?? Learn the moves on a bmx first, and then when you are confident and have the correct technique, you should be able to do it on any bike. Edit: I realise I went off on one, and completely missed the point of your post :$ Hope someone else can help better!!!