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Everything posted by JoNnY__Mc

  1. Danny Kearns in cable tie shocker!!! Bike looks nice mate, bet it rides immense! I'm not overly keen on the raceline brakes but you've done well to get hold of a set and I bet they work mint Ride soon (if I ever get my bike running again!)
  2. Do you live on the moon??
  3. Ermmm... How does it ride?? Looks good mate
  4. Yeah abit like that Luke Yeah spose so, thats your opinion, but you have to consider that alot of the younger riders are follow the kind of topman/indie/emo fashion, you see many riders with long black hair, wearing skinny jeans and with death metal in their vids. I'm not saying that it was the best idea in the world or that it was going to win fashion awards, it just come into my head and I thought it would be something that catches peoples eyes. Some good designs in here so far, Adam Allens design gets another vote from me, looks very good
  5. I can't design for shit, and Im crap with photoshop and that... But how about basing it around one of the topman teeshirts, you know the ones that were like: ROCK RAVE ROLL and MAKE MUSIC NOT MISSILES But have your website and slogan rather than the examples I gave, If you get me?? I don't know about anyone else, but when I see these t-shirts they stand out, and I always read what they say. It's simple, effective and has a big impact as when you see it you want to read it. A few colour choices (maybe to match the different colours of pad available?) would be good, If anyone can find out what font they use on these t-shirts then please have a go as I can imagine it would look mint.
  6. LMAO Good fun vid lads, LOL at Simpson and his sex scandal!
  7. Nice riding lads, Rob looks at home on stock! Ride soon
  8. Kinell thats lite You reckon you could save even more weight my drilling the sidewalls?? What tire, tube, rimtape and fun bolts will you be using??
  9. Great review cheers for posting
  10. Looks quite nice actually Interesting design and geometry sounds nice if you are a taller rider
  11. JoNnY__Mc


    I haven't had them, but I think you should get them now (sooner rather than later) because then you will have better teeth when you will want them. If your at partys and stuff and are trying to pull it shouldn't matter what you look like or if you have braces or not, it's how you talk to girls! Even so, some girls think braces are cute
  12. Looks well nice mate! You've done a good job. How much does it weigh now? I can remember it being ridiculously light already! My t-rex weighed 12.48kg
  13. Danny has obviously been in this situation before I think any theive would shit one if they seen him running towards them!! I don't know what I would use, probly the first thing I could find! Be funny if I ran at them with a pillow though!!
  14. How long have you bin riding mate??
  15. Really good that mate, I love your riding, probly because you ride like you and your not tryna copy anyone elses style! You look good on the adamant, deffo can't wait till the full video!
  16. Black and gold, black and gold, black and gold Looks well nice mate, specs spot on too
  17. JoNnY__Mc

    T33zr: Chill

    I did read the topic title Chilled isn't always boring though I wasn't having a dig, didn't realise it was a joke rather than an insult! Now I can see it the funny side, but it was still abit random and I don't think it went with the rest of the video.
  18. JoNnY__Mc

    T33zr: Chill

    Sorry, found it abit boring, riding wasnt all that impressive and the last bit made me cringe. Are you trying to take the piss out of Damon or what?? I don't get it
  19. Yeah good vid mate Beast riding as I expected, looks like your improving loads! Second vid was better as it was longer Only thing I would say is, and i'm not having a dig at all, atm there isn't much that makes you different from other mod riders, its the same (BIG) TGS moves, on/off sidehops with heavy music and slow motion/greyscale editting. Yes, it works and I do enjoy watching this style, but your a really good rider and have alot more to offer than TGS But all in all your a beast rider and I did enjoy it, so keep it up
  20. Kinell, if thats anything to go by, this vids going to be Nice one Mikey keep it up pal
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