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Everything posted by JoNnY__Mc

  1. Kinell Beast vid that, Good riding on the rocks! Don't really like your style on the the street but you absolutely rinsed over the riding outside kfc! I remember sidehopping that wall on my ko like 2 years ago and you pissed it to back How big is it do you know, boumsong always said it was 48 but I never measured it
  2. Thats really smart, looks as nice as (if not nicer) than half of the inspired builds on here!
  3. Curtains are better than the bike
  4. Yes then adam, bike is sick looks nice there with gold zoos on - should of posted it on BARGE-FORUM! Ride soon fella
  5. Bikes look alrite, Bars look well high on the GU!
  6. Yeah might come if I can get a lift down there or find a way of getting a cheaper ticket... oh and if I have a bike thats rideable
  7. b*****d thats well smart, proper stealthy apart from the back hub! Looks so much better with them bars on it aswell
  8. Good vid, you've got balls some of them drop gaps looked huge
  9. Anyone going past or from near Liverpool/northwest?
  10. Don't get me wrong your a really good rider, but theres something really boring about your riding style and riding in that video Theres no flare or anything exciting about your riding, you are smooth and you have alot of skill and control but you had a way nicer style when I rode with you a couple of years back in Leicester
  11. Happy Birthday Hannah, Have a good one
  12. Anyone got room in their car? Can't afford the £80 or summat for the train ticket
  13. Good effort young fella, Liked the rail ride and the rolling gap at the end inparticular Keep it up!
  14. That wa mint, no need for over top editting or screamo music to be honest. Nice chilled out atmosphere and controlled smooth riding, make more like this one mate?
  15. Nice one Ozzy, bike control looks really good now Good style aswell
  16. Passed mine, 1st try, on Friday 13th last week! Things I would say to keep in mind are the things that they failed you for on your previous tests. otherwise some things I would say to keep in mind are: * Keep checking your mirrors and speed every few seconds * Keep an eye out for speed signs and changes of speed * lLok at the road markings and always plan your journey ahead so you know exactly where your going and what hazzords are ahead (this way you may not have to stop and you have more time to think about what to do) * Have good lane dissapline - always try to get back over to the left lane, and stay in your lane on roundabouts * If you f**k up on a manouver it's not a problem, if you don't think your gonna make it then pull out and try again * Don't think about your mistakes just keep a clear head and your mind on your driving Be confident but cautious, take no silly chances at junctions and drive like a geek and you'll be fine!
  17. Good vid mate, Big moves in there but it looks like your styles changed loads - more much controlled and relaxed Good ladd
  18. Good little vid there mate Ridings improving nicely!
  19. Anyone going from the northwest? or up north past Liverpool maybe...
  20. First part/Street section of the video was pretty much unwatchable as far as im concerned, riding looking really good, really stylish greeat control and technique but the editting was overkill. Second part of the video was cool as f**k, I don't ride natural but I could easily sit and watch that again!
  21. Thats f**kin mint, love it!! Bet it weighs abit though, whats the frame made out of and whats the Geometry?
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