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Everything posted by oleg859

  1. you have to go to nass, its amazing. this year will be safe, there is a free shuttle bus to and from the campsite so it should be all good!!
  2. Does anyone know if the is going to be a bike 06 this year? ive had a scout but i cant find any information about it. it was on the 1st - 2nd of april last year. anyone got any ideas?
  3. My flat mate has two flesh holes, one in each ear and a scaffold and ring in his right ear. Looks well good, especially the flesh holes.
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. Just to clear up the 06’ magura thing, it says magura HS33 06’ on the manual so I presumed that was what they were, I don’t think they are any different to the 05’ versions. The pads weren’t rubbing on the rim or anything it was just play in the pads. I solved the problem by smearing a thin layer of araldite on the pad backing to reduce the play. It feels much more solid now and there is no longer any play. Cheers for your help guys. olly
  5. I’ve just bought some 06’ magura HS33’s and im running koxx red’s and CRM pads. I find that the pads move backwards and forwards when breaking as if the pad backings are slightly too small. I did not get this problem with my older maguras when using the same pads. Has anyone else had this problem and has anyone found a solution to solve it? Olly
  6. Im after an XTR front break lever, if anyone has one or knows anyone who has one for sale, let me know. cheers olly olly859@hotmail.com
  7. definatly a maggie on the rear, feals much more secure. disc on the fron for more modulation. avid cable disc's work amazingly on the front once bedded in and they r cheeper than hope ect. olly
  8. Giro all the way mate I use a semi mx, takes nuff abuse as the outer shell is well tuff, looks cool too. olly
  9. il be there m8, il get the rest of the pompey crew out aswell, should be good if the weather is sweet! :P
  10. my mates got one on his Echo Hi-Fi and its realy nice, feels much nicer and more responsive than the stanard levers do. looks trick too :P
  11. yeah m8, its 21, not too many but better than the old shamano lol olly
  12. hi guys, has anyone got or know where i can get the nick goddard dvd preview vid, can't find it anywhere???
  13. always mate even if ur not goin for big stuff. ive seen some nasty crashes without em! :lol:
  14. nice pics matey, like the sunset ones, propa nice angles :lol:
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