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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. I NEED this video back, preferably within the hour pleeeeeeeez. if anyone has it, you'll know which one i mean. please re upload, or send it to me over msn please. it's a classic and i need it back. cheers. john
  2. i don't i'm afraid!! by the way, i was actually 22 a couple of weeks ago on 22nd april! john
  3. ok, once on the road i circled travelling north, up to the ring, there is a 'COHENS' chemist on the left. You turn right there down the cobbly shitty road into the skatepark a couple hundred yards down that road. john
  4. can i advice/recomend/ask, that you come on a bmx if possible hehehe. see you all there people..... john
  5. ok, if you wanna get there 7/8/9pm ish lol. i don't really know, but anythin like that is cool!!! Dave, all i want off you is some serious lovin. directions...... check back later i'll put some up for you when i get home. (will be before 4 pm) john
  6. sorry i haven't replied yet, i've been busy/away. I would still get this over any other complete bike at the moment. Especially for you as you are a big lad and this does have a 21"tt which you'll no doubt be thankful of. The spec on this is unreal for the price. (41thermal lifetime guarentee bars and cranks, together, costing £187!!!!) Then the evolver brake @ £25, the rims add up to a modest £70ish. I honestly do not know how they can sell this bike for this price. To build it alone would cost more than this asking price, and many of the parts that break on a complete bike are actually top of the range aftermartket 'buy alone' choices for serious riders (parts named above) I'd definately buy this bike olly. john
  7. just remindin people thats it's this saturday night ;) don't forget your booze n bikes n we'll have a good night john
  8. and you can use mine if rossi doesn't turn up. john
  9. frames are gonna turn into a simple tube from front to back soon lol. jib the triangles off, just gimme a tube that i can lob forks through one end and a wheel on the other!!! john
  10. the whole point of crashing is you can't stop it because its unexpected. wear a lid INCASE, as you never know. simple. If you don't, up to you, but it's totally f**king retarded of you. john
  11. you're all bastards! nicwe one though lol. cheers :- hehe. john
  12. yeah it's sound, just don't get in the way lol :- john
  13. A dyslexic man walks into a bra. :P what says arrr arrrr arrrr arrr.... a sheep with no lips. actually these shouldn't be here cos they are funny as f**k! john
  14. Ok, my upper left 'fang' is often sensitive to hot or cold. it feels like pressure builds up inside the tooth when i have cold food or drink and then when it gets quite painful, it kind of 'clicks' or 'cracks'. I feel the click and i can hear it, although nobody else can (as it's so quiet, but in my own head so only i can hear it). once the click has happened, there is no more pain and the pressure feeling is gone. it will do it a few times a day. It's not a great problem to my life but i am puzzled as to what it could be. any help would be great. thanks in advance. john.
  15. thanks for findin and helping people :o john
  16. BONGO

    Funny Prank...

    i heard this when it was actually on the radio last wednesday??? i think it was. it's f**king amazing! john
  17. i was actually meaning that because joe just got done and nothing happened, he thinks it was ok to speed, whereas in DJ's situation, it was very wrong to speed because of the situation that arose from it. Enough of it anyway. If you still don't understand me msn me so i don't begin dragging things up! i'm off to the post office, and i will probably speed on the way. john
  18. beyond the point. have a think at what i'm meaning. not being funny, but you are looking at my post fromt the wrong perspective. john
  19. joe you tit you have no right to moan and thats that. As much as i don't wanna bring it up, DJ's bloke who was driving was speeding and you wouldn't be supporting speeding in that case. It's your road????? WTF??? Its a road and thats the end of it. grow up and take it. you were because you were doing 44 in a 30. what if you got run down by someone doing 44 in a 30. The first thing you would do is point out he was speeding. If you speed you drive like a tit. I do, everyone does. everyone speeds most of the time, but decent drivers with experience don't moan and bitch about police/'it's my road'/'he was behind a tree' etc etc. john
  20. A thread aaaaaaaaages ago talked about muddling up letters in words but keeping the first and last letter the same as the proper word, and you will be able to read the word as normal. i think there was a link on the thread to somewhere on tinterweb with paragraphs done so you can test it out etc. i wanna find internet stuff or that very thread if possible but god knows what to search for on tf as it was such a long time ago. any help is appreciated. john
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