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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. i'm going. couldn't give a shit about the cars though. anyone else goin down????? john
  2. or you could wear socially acceptable clothing :'(, unlike 99% of other trials specific clothing :blink:
  3. Just a thought, as i just got my first good phone the other week and i'm gettin some good stuff on it! Put your good vids and pics here :blink: a 720 attempt over the box in rampworx step up tailwhip onto big sub in leeds skatepark matty, a mates, first flairs john
  4. ok, i make mp3 discs for my car, but can i whack a dvd in and just burn it the same, only a shitload more songs on the disc??? i use nero, and have never used a dvd at all. i don't wanna buy any if there is no point for it. john
  5. Call profile europe. talk to sam or steve, and they will sort you out :- john
  6. Not really though, see, i know snappels sense of humour, and it's a good one. What makes it even funnier is seeing other people on here NOT understand it and think he is being cool/hard/gimpy etc!!! The fact that snappel is probably the best trials rider in the upper hemisphere, and that his coolness is unsurpassed by even the largest of snowmans penis, amazes me when people doubt his superb technical ability and cool intentioned posts. john
  7. I'm going riding with my girlfriend and a couple of other riders all day on saturday in the works skatepark in leeds. anyone who can should come down :) john
  8. call profile talk to steve or sam. I'd ride a profile outta the two. Cheaper, easier to maintain, easier to strip, easier to get parts for, easier to get running to a trusting level. john
  9. BONGO

    Bmx Questions

    be square and centered over the bike. i found that trying to keep my upper body still and pedalling only using my legs (like a jockey on a horse, he rides with his legs while his body remains still) I keep my arms straightish and pretty stiff and after all that its just practice and practice. john
  10. BONGO

    Bmx Questions

    thanks to me telling him to :D (Y)
  11. people do realise its a photoshop don't they??? you know, a joke. I saw this in college 4 years ago. john
  12. get some pics up when you're done :)
  13. BONGO

    One Handers

    try crankflip to nosepick :)
  14. see, i'm a wealth of knowledge :) :D
  15. the right size, thats all you need to know :)
  16. knocking teeth out ain't that bad. i lost my 4 front top teeth from riding. Done my teeth again a couple of times since then too. You go into shock, usually get knocked out, anddon't feel all that much. It hurts afterwards, like the next couple of days, but the teeth thing is ok :P The bit that really hurts is when the snapped sharp tooth slices your gums to shreds and cuts your lips up :D john
  17. I need to contact mick. I have him and Matt on msn but they never answer messages or emails. I need a phone number to get in touch with them if anyone can help (Y) john
  18. knowing when you are upside down doing a backflip, that you haven't pulled hard enough. On a big flip, you have time to wet your knickers and turd yourself, just before you land on your head. (Y) Situations scare me , not spiders or heights etc, but shitty situations with gimps trying to steal your bike an kick off. When i dislocated my ankle last time i was real scared straight away. I thought it was snapped and was scared to look incase it was. I was relieved to see it straight, although popped out lol. john
  19. good and honest weight loss yes, but not really healthy weight loss, as it works too well and you lose weight extremely fast. I used them a while ago and lost 7lb in one week. john
  20. go to the right gym and you'll have ephedrine in your hand. you can lose half a stone in a week eating half decent, doing decent cardio and usin a couple of quids worth of ephedrine. john
  21. moanin twat! www.admiral.com. you DO park in a garage or secure area (Y)" You do no more than 5000 miles per year ;)" try adding your mum as a named driver. It saved me 60 quid. :- john
  22. for me an people i ride with, they are off limits. not much to it, it's just disrespectful to people who may see you doing it, plus in my mind i know its shitty. john
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